Your Way With Words Is Key To Increased Website Traffic


 Your Way With Words Is Key To Increased Website Traffic

In a digital age where websites are more likely than ever to lose their audience, it is important for web authors to use words as tools, not weapons. In this article, we explore some of the mistakes that website owners commonly make and how these mistakes can result in decreased traffic. We also provide suggestions on how an author can learn from these mistakes and improve their credibility online.

Some of the largest online publications have made the following mistakes: using poor grammar, taking too long between paragraphs/chapters, having too many advertisements on the page, having too much text on one page (which leads to scrolling), and omission of vital information.

By avoiding these mistakes, a website has a better chance at increased traffic and longer lasting readers. Online readers are more likely to scroll and scroll past texts that are difficult to read. If the goal of an author is to increase website traffic, they must understand how to grab their audience’s attention.

The easiest way for a writer to grab their reader’s attention is by using short paragraphs and bulleted lists. These points provide readers with a digestible chunk of information that they can easily scan through while surfing the internet. There should be space between each paragraph, as well, to create white space that allows the reader eye rest from the last point while preparing him or her for the next one.

Another excellent way to grab the reader’s attention is by using a lot of specialized vocabulary. This helps readers keep pace with the author and prevents them from having to concentrate on what they’re reading, which can often cause them to skim through things. A writing style that makes it difficult for readers to assimilate new information is also a bad practice. If an author wants their website’s readership to grow, they must take every precaution necessary for their texts to be easily understood by any confused visitor.

Not all website owners will agree with these suggestions; however, if an online publication has been making these mistakes for some time now, it's likely time for a change in how a blog is written.

(At the request of several readers, we've expanded this article in response to its popularity on our social media pages. We've also added an expanded version of the article below. You can see them both here:

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Nick Stickley is a writer, researcher, and content marketer with a passion for technology, sports, and politics. When Nick isn't compulsively checking the news on his phone or reading books about the latest political scandal, he's exploring the digital world. Nick recently began writing for Digital Trends to cover social media, startups, and internet marketing tactics. He also writes about business and technology on his blog: . Follow Nick on Twitter @nstickley Click here to read more of Nick's articles on Digital Trends . Follow Nick Stickley on Google+ . Follow him on Twitter @nstickley3 . Click here to send Nick an email .

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The first paragraph of your article should not only tell people what your article is about, but also why they should be interested in it. The second paragraph can then expand on the first sentence, answering any questions that readers may have posed during their initial read through.


The conclusion should summarize what the article discussed and why it is worth reading. If you leave your audience wanting more, you didn't explain your article well enough. Remember that if you're going to write a lengthy article with multiple points, leave a space at the end for sub-headings so readers know where they can find your article's best points.


An anecdote is in essence a story told in one's own words. However, it is unlike the rest of the article as it does not have to follow any set pattern. You are allowed to use comma splices, run on sentences, and whatever other form of writing that seems most natural to you.

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