Why casinos need 24 hour day care
I've recently been to two different casinos, and both of them had a day care facility. I was amazed at how busy the facilities were and how many people came to pick up their children after a long night.
My initial thought was "Who would want to gamble all night with their kids?" But then I realized that people have schedules, some can't or don't want to watch their children for 24 hours, and it's also possible they work until late and get off from work late as well. In addition, many casino workers are just parents themselves so they need time away from home sometimes too.
All of this made me remember a debate I had with a coworker. He said he was against casinos because they were just betting parlors and not real businesses like oil companies. He said that the former were somehow bad because they had to have day care options for the same reason. My rebuttal was that casinos are still businesses as much as any other, and people need to recoup their time away from home for whatever reason. It's not like the casino is forcing anyone to have a baby or work late.
I think it's perfectly reasonable that casinos have 24 hour day care facilities for parents and workers who need them. If anything, it makes me want to gamble more knowing that I'll be able to get my money back and get home in time for bed!
Posted by Ryan at 9:36 AM
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I've recently been to two different casinos, and both of them had a day care facility. I was amazed at how busy the facilities were and how many people came to pick up their children after a long night....
Posted by Ryan at 9:28 AM
The issue isn't whether the casinos are businesses or not. The question is should that business be allowed to exist. No matter what the business is, I cannot see why the day care issue would even be in play. People who don't have kids or want to gamble at a casino shouldn't have one dime of input into this decision. They don't see the need nor understand the need so why let them vote on it? Leave it up to those people who are impacted directly by this and they will make a just decision for themselves based on their own needs and wants. If people don't want to gamble or have a baby, they should not go to a casino.If someone wants gambling and day care, they should have both. It's as simple as that. Posted by Leo at 9:29 AM
I'm confused about something. Are you saying that you think it's alright for gambling parlors to offer things other than gambling? For instance, is that why you think the daycare is great? Because you can gamble 24/7 without caring about your kids? That doesn't sound like the kind of person I'd want running anything to me. Posted by Manny at 9:46 AM
Yes, I think any business should be allowed to offer what it wants [forthrightness alert] .
Conclusion: Being against that or against allowing it for casinos means you don't believe in freedom.
Posted by Ryan at 9:58 AM
I don't see how the baby care center is a good idea. I could understand a gambling center being in need of a day care center if their patrons are all young (in their 20s) and single, but that doesn't seem to be the case here. Posted by Sam at 10:17 AM
I'm confused about something.
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