What are Free Traffic Exchanges


 What are Free Traffic Exchanges

If you want more traffic to your website, there are a lot of different ways to go about it. One way is to build links from other websites. Another way is through social shares on your own site. But one of the best ways that can help you get more traffic in a relatively short time period is through free traffic exchanges or PTE’s for short.

Free Traffic Exchanges are basically PTC (paid-to-click) sites with an option for free members to earn credits when they browse and click on ads, and then use those credits on advertisements for other members’ websites (i.e., advertising what other people offer on their websites).

Why do people like it?

Some people like to advertise on their own site. They have better control over what they want and how they want it to look than some of the free ad networks allow you to have. And so, instead of having, say, Google Ads ads appear on their website, they can just run their own ads through paid-to-click sites.

You get paid for the views that come from your own site and all of the clicks that come from your site are free (no money is going out). The only way they can make money is to show an advertisement which would not be allowed if it were to come directly from your website.

What’s the Cost?

Depending on how much traffic you want, there are free and paid PTE’s available. The idea is that those who pay get more, but you can still get a lot for free as well. And there are usually good paying offers too. It doesn’t matter which one you join; there will be plenty of offers to go around. Don’t worry about not being able to find anything worth joining for free; it’ll be out there if you know where to look.

Both types are worth joining and both have their benefits and drawbacks. One thing is for sure – if you want to get more traffic, whether by building links or through a PTE… this one is hard to beat.

– The Peaceful Way to Wealth

Website: http://www.thepeacefulwaytowealth.com/

About the Author: Sam Fershtman is a financial advisor and personal finance writer at myfinancesolution.com who helps people achieve sustainable financial freedom. He has been featured on several big name news outlets and his articles have reached over 100,000 readers since 2010–including Kiplinger's Personal Finance magazine, CBS MoneyWatch, Fox News and NBC News!.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sam_Fershtman


Note: Re-Posting this article will get you a Link and Email Blast from www.thepeacefulwaytowealth.com worth $55,000 in advertising over the next 6 months!

FREE TRAFFIC EXCHANGE LINKS – GO HERE TO FIND OVER 800 PTE’S! http://www.thepeacefulwaytowealth.


I like many people who are looking for ways to get traffic to their website. But if you don't have a great deal of time, or if you want the best of the best then free traffic exchanges or PTE'S are definitely worth checking out. Basically all they do is take your money and exchange it for advertising credits on other websites that will bring you customers. This can be a great way to get customers without putting up any money. You're essentially getting free advertising and then paying a fraction of the cost when you actually do start advertising. If you have time to put into this one that's great but if not this could work for you as well.

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