Website Statistics with Cpanel


 Website Statistics with Cpanel

This is an introduction to a blog post about website statistics with Cpanel.

Cpanel, the robust control panel for linux servers, can be used to generate a number of statistics about your server including how many visitors come to your server each month, what time of day they arrive, and much more.

To get started, log into the Cpanel for your server. By default, this will include an icon to click that will generate a statistics page for your website (as seen above). From there you can change the time range and check out some of the other useful functions.

To get some more in depth statistics using Cpanel, click on "More advanced statistics" and you'll be greeted with this page:

This page can be used to add or remove items from the list of things to track on your website. In fact it requires you to remove at least one item before it will generate a report for you for an extended period of time (30 days). However, the default options are all you need to use and perform a few site statistics.

The first thing you should notice is that the top-right section is "Frequency", which controls how often statistics are generated. For example, if I wanted to only see my website statistics every 5 minutes, I would add every 5 minutes to the frequency setting. Next down in the list is "Min", which controls how many times a day we want Cpanel to check for things like visits and bandwidth usage. Next down in the list is "Max" which resets itself so that it returns to zero if your server crashes or you manually open Cpanel for some reason.

The rest of the settings are pretty self explanatory, but if you wish to dig a little deeper you can find the answers to all of these questions here.

After you've set your statistics options and hit "Save", Cpanel will begin generating reports for you. When it's finished, it will generate a link which is fairly self-explanatory until it says "Copy to clipboard" whereupon it'll give you a link to copy and paste into your browser. This link should be saved as a bookmark or any way that allows you to easily get back to this page from anywhere online on your server's IP address.

As you can see in the statistics above, my server has seen a fair amount of traffic including a peak at around 11:00 AM on October 18th. This graph is generated by dividing the total bandwidth used by the number of visitors seen that day by hour. So it's no surprise that traffic was highest on this date as I posted an article about creating websites with Bootstrap, which included some graphics for my landing page.

And that is all there is to it! In an upcoming blog post I'll discuss how you can use this power to create your own website statistics and how to get started using Cpanel in general.

Travis Peterson is a avid developer of both sites and apps. He's currently working on an app for his personal website , which will allow users to post comments and send him messages directly from the website. When not coding, he can be found working as a consultant with his company, Bloc7 App Development , or at one of the many adventures he travels to each year!

If you enjoyed this article, would like to contribute to Webdesigner Depot, or you have an article you'd like to submit feel free to email me at [email protected] . Also you can follow me on Twitter @travpeterson or Google+ .

Screenshots in this blog post are courtesy of Cpanel.


This is an introduction to a blog post about website statistics with Cpanel.

Cpanel, the robust control panel for linux servers, can be used to generate a number of statistics about your server including how many visitors come to your server each month, what time of day they arrive, and much more.

To get started, log into the Cpanel for your server. By default, this will include an icon to click that will generate a statistics page for your website (as seen above). From there you can change the time range and check out some of the other useful functions.

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