Use Pictures On Your Blog To Boost Traffic Starting Now!


 Use Pictures On Your Blog To Boost Traffic Starting Now!

In this post, we're going to cover how you can use pictures on your blog to boost traffic starting right now. We're also going to discuss the benefits of using images and what kind of pictures work best. This is a powerful technique you should start implementing on your site today!

#1) Pictures help with SEO - One thing that Google's algorithm loves is photos. Photos give search engines like Google more content, which will in turn help your site rank higher in SERPS (Search Engine Rankings Pages). 
#2) Draw Attention - Images will draw the eyes more effectively than text alone, making your blog posts more attractive and compelling. This will boost the click-through rate of your blog, or the traffic you get per click.

#3) Boost Conversions - Both Google and Bing have data that shows how many visitors engage with images over text.  They've noted that pictures persuade people to take action more than text does - which means we can persuade them to buy, subscribe, download and whatever other actions you want your site visitors to take.
#4) Build Relationships - Images make people feel more connecteddue to their visual appeal and are more likely to share content on social media platforms than text is.  This could lead to increased referral traffic and potential partnerships as well.
Interested in learning how to get more traffic from your blog?  Download our free " Blogging Quick Start Guide ".
The four reasons above should convince you that pictures are important for your blog. Here's a few more reason why images are so powerful when it comes to blogging:
#6) They have a longer shelf life - Pictures stay on the Internet forever, while many articles will be deleted within three months if they don't get any traction. This makes images a better choice for any type of website.
#7) Help with branding - Using an image that represents your brand will show visitors what kind of website you run.  For example, if you have a travel blog, use an image of someone getting ready for jet-skiing on the beach.
#8 ) They look more unique - While text may do the trick to draw people's attention, a picture usually stands out by default.  This is because pictures are usually more eye-catching than text.
#9) They have a higher engagement rate - While images may not convert as well as text, visitors tend to spend more time on blogs that have images because they are more engaging.  Don't believe us?  Check out this infographic by Hubspot comparing blog engagement rates from 2012 and 2013:
#10) They are the 'best bang for your buck' - We all want to get the most value for our money, right?  According to research from the BrightLocal agency , investing in images will get you many times more value than spending on building a new platform or hiring a designer.
Right now, you can see that there are tons of benefits for using pictures in your blog posts.

Did you get all that?  Good, now all you need to do is implement these tips on your blog.  It's very simple - add one image to your blog post and watch how it affects your traffic in a few weeks.  If you want to know more about using images on your website, check out the infographic below created by OptinMonster:
Here are some additional images you can use in any of your posts to increase traffic:
Remember, these are just some of the ways that pictures can increase traffic.

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