Top Ten Ways To Get Tons Of Traffic


 Top Ten Ways To Get Tons Of Traffic

Web traffic? You want web traffic? We're going to give you web traffic, alright. It's a well-known secret that the internet is a goldmine of opportunity for anyone who has the know-how and patience to tap into it. And whether you want more visitors, more page views or more conversions, we've got you covered with our list of the top ten ways to get tons of web traffic.

There are a million different strategies out there for getting your site seen by as many people as possible with minimal effort - so we've narrowed them down and picked out our favourite methods. You'll find advice on everything from SEO and social media marketing to email newsletters for driving leads and increasing engagement rates.

So don't just take our word for it, read through our list of insider tips and tricks and let us know if we've missed anything - we'd love to hear your own suggestions for getting tons of web traffic.

1) Spend some time analysing the top sites in your niche - can you learn from what they're doing? Can you apply any of their principles to your own site? Look at Google's PageRank ( ) for ideas on gaining higher search engine rankings.

2) Be original - there's nothing more off-putting for your visitors than seeing the same content or design recycled over and over again. Make sure you come up with something unique that will make people sit up and take notice!

3) If you're an e-commerce site or blog, set up an affiliate marketing program and share 20% of the profit with your conversion partners. They'll be sure to promote your products to their own sites' visitors.

4) Look at what content is popular on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, then target your niche areas accordingly. You can find insights by using Google's Trends tool ( ).

5) Don't rely too heavily on Google - use sites like Bing and Yahoo too! The majority of the major search engines out there are now pulling their results from all of the other search engines.

6) Use social media to your advantage - social media sites are the perfect place for promoting your content, building brand awareness and engaging with your subscribers. Sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can be used to reach thousands of people in a matter of minutes. Just make sure you've set up your page correctly first! If you're not sure how to get started, check out this link from Mashable ( .

7) Ensure you have the right keywords in your content - this is vital for SEO and increased traffic to your site. Hone in on the most popular phrases, words or topics that have been searched for on Google. Build these into relevant blog content that will appeal to people around the world.

8) Optimise your site with tags - this is another area people neglect but can really pay off over time if you put a little effort into it. Make sure you optimise your content so search engines can find it easily and organically.

9) Add social media widgets and buttons to your site - these are useful for increasing engagement and giving visitors more information about you. A great way to do this is by using the Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Friend Connect plugins, which are free and easy to install.

10) If you're new in the industry or have only just started setting up your own website, then use guest blogging as a great way of getting more exposure. Even if your articles aren't related to what you do for a living, guest blogging will bring direct traffic from other sites.


Hopefully this has given you some great tips on getting tons of traffic to your website - if you've come across any others, please let us know in the comments below!

- Caren L. (8-Dec-2010)

2. Seven Ways to Boost Your Blog's Traffic, by Dell Cameron, blogger at and author of SEO for Bloggers (http://seoforbloggers.typepad.

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