The Write Way To Better Website Traffic Results


 The Write Way To Better Website Traffic Results

The majority of website owners and marketers will agree that one of their biggest challenges is getting more traffic to the site. An important part of this process is using great article writing techniques that will help your website rank better in search engines, which ultimately means increased traffic and revenue.

There are many different ways to approach higher rankings in search engine results, but a very effective method is optimizing your content for keywords relevant to your business and choosing specific keyword phrases that are relevant to the content on your site. In other words, it’s about being targeted with keywords.

Here are five attractive article writing techniques that you can use to improve your site’s rankings, so you can attract more traffic, and ultimately results:

1. Link Marketing – A vital aspect of article marketing is creating links. If your site has lots of content that is relevant to many different keywords (and is therefore not optimized to rank for a specific keyword), don’t fall into the trap of “link spamming” by submitting hundreds of irrelevant links to different directories. Instead, focus on specific sites/blogs that are related to the content you want to get out there.

2. Guest Blogging – Guest blogging has been around for a long time, but it’s still one of the most effective ways to get quality links and optimized content. While it’s difficult to find relevant articles for guest blogging, there are a couple guidelines that can help you identify good content.

First, make sure your site is related to the topic you want to cover. When you write guest blog content that is relevant to your site, use keywords from those topics.

Second, make sure the post is 500 words or less (not including title), and add value by sharing valuable information that your readers can actually use in their own businesses.

3. Article Submission – One of the greatest advantages of article submission is the list of sites that you can choose from to post to, such as ehow,, wikiHow, and In addition to listing sites like these in your article submission script, you should also include an attractive image with your article that will help improve your site’s search engine rankings and attract more visitors.

4. Guest Blogging – Another way to get links from guest blogging is to become more involved in the community of blogs that your topic relates to. At the same time, you should also be prepared to write guest blog content for niche blogs that have already established a loyal following.

One of the most important steps in this process is to understand what kind of articles are most likely to be accepted and hosted. Pay attention to blogs that are popular and ones that already have a solid reputation in the community, as well as those that your content meets their style guidelines. The more you engage with these blogs, the more you’ll learn about what they like (and don’t like) in order to improve your chances of being selected.

5. Article Marketing – If you’re not already using article marketing, it’s time to start. It can take a while to build an audience of loyal readers that will accept your articles and blog posts with good frequency, but once you get the ball rolling, it’s a great source of links and traffic that can drive your site to greater success.

Article marketing involves ongoing content creation without any “spamming” or “link spamming” (as opposed to link building). The process of article marketing is submitting guest blog articles to sites in a range of niches related to the type of content that you want people to see on your site.

Conclusion: Using These 5 Marketing Techniques Can Boost Your Site’s Rankings

In summary, there are many different methods to get higher rankings in search engines, but the most effective approach is to make use of article marketing techniques that will help your site get more traffic and ultimately increased revenue. If you’re not using these techniques, you should start right away.

About The Author: Sean Macdonald is an expert in Article Marketing and Social Media Marketing who offers his clients exceptional writing services at []. He has been offering quality writing services for nearly six years and has gained a number of loyal followers during this time.

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