Submitting Your Site To Directories For Free Links


 Submitting Your Site To Directories For Free Links

If you want more links to your website, submit your site to directories for free links. This is one of the easiest ways to increase your rankings and get more traffic. To do this, you can use a service called Addinario. It's free and takes just minutes to add up dozens of directories that are relevant to your industry or niche. You'll want to check out our guides on Link-Building 101 and How To Submit Your Site For FREE Links too!

Submitting Your Site To Directories For Free Links
Many websites are unaware that they can submit their website for free links or submissions that will help them rank better in search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo! etc..for free of course. Most of these directories have both paid and free options to submit your site, but you can easily submit your site for free even if you choose not to pay.

Many people are unaware that submitting their web sites to directories can help them in the search engine rankings. In fact, getting links pointing to your website from these types of sources is quite easy and is a very effective way of getting higher ranking in search engines. The plus side is that many sites provide an opportunity for you to submit your website for no cost at all. In fact, there are many places where you can get a lot more links than just direct submission; these include article directories, blog commenting, social bookmarking and other means.

Where you need to be careful is when you try to submit your site for free and you use black hat techniques to do so. Looking for ways to submit your site for free and doing so in a legitimate way can be time consuming, but the results are often worth it. Search engines have gotten smarter and it has become harder and harder to get links through normal means. Unfortunately, the only way that this will work is if you follow their guidelines closely.

The best way of obtaining no cost effective links is through submission of your site in directories that aggregate other sites that are relevant to yours. By submitting your site on real directories, you should get a small backlink which may help with search engine rankings over time.

Submit Your Site To Directories For FREE Links
There are a number of different directories out there, and many of them do require that you pay to submit your site. However, there are also quite a few that will allow you to submit your site for free. The good news is that it is not very hard to find these sites that provide this opportunity for free submissions without paying a fee at all.

For those who have a blog, writing articles on topics related to your web site can be helpful in submitting it for free links on article directories. You will want to do some keyword research before you start researching any topics though. In order to find these articles, you can use a tool such as the Moz Blog Directory or the SBI Google Keyword Tool.

The important thing to remember is that it is better to avoid black hat links, sites with spammy links in them and other less than ethical methods for getting your site listed on directories for free links. The reason is that these practices will make it less likely that your site will be accepted by the directory in question. You don't want those sites placing your site in their list of resources and then later removing them, calling you names and making sure that everyone knows how much of a jerk you are.

There are many different places that you can submit your site for free links, and there are many of these that do not require payment. Most of these are on article or blog comment directories, and some will allow you to submit your site for free as long as you follow their guidelines.

Submitting Your Site For FREE Links
Most people know that submitting your website to directories can help you get more traffic to your website, but a good number of people do not realize how they can submit their websites for free. There are many ways to make sure that you have a chance at getting more links to your site without having to pay a cent.

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