Striking Keyword Gold – How To Grab Keywords By The Tail


 Striking Keyword Gold – How To Grab Keywords By The Tail

With so much content on the internet, finding that one keyword term that will sell your product or service is easier said than done. You just need to know what to do.

The key is understanding what exact keywords people will use when searching for your specific product or service and striking them before they are taken by someone else. In this blog post, we'll show you how to do just that by taking a closer look at how certain high-demand terms work and their characteristics.

First, let's start with a brief definition of keywords: 
A keyword is the word or phrase someone searches for on a search engine when trying to find something on the Internet.

Let's look at a few examples:

Most people use the keyword Google to search for information online. If someone wants to find out about robots and technology, they would enter the sentence "I'm looking for robots and technology" into their search engine. The same goes for searching for a person's name: "I'm looking for Michael" or "I'm looking for Jessica." Here, the word "person" has become a keyword. Keeping things simple, imagine how many searches are conducted every day by going online and just using these keywords. This is what we call keyword volume, or simply volume of searches.

Let's now look at three other possible examples: purchasing an item online (i.e. click on "buy home appliances"), researching a product (i.e. click on "click here to see our research") and buying a product online (i.e. purchase home appliances). You should notice the similarity of these three phrases:

"buy"  - means to buy an item online
"click here" - means to go to a specific page
"to see research" - means to view more information about a specific product or service
While these phrases are not yet keywords, they are very likely to be so in the future. If you want to get a better understanding of the future potential of these phrases, consider the following:

The number of searches for "buy" and "click here" each month is more than 1.4 million and more than 3.5 million respectively.
Though, the number of searches for "to see research" is still in single digits at just over 100,000 searches per month.
This is just the beginning — categories such as e-commerce, news and technology are all trending upward each year, with growth rates in excess of 20%
Using terms that are trending upward can increase your sales by up to 45% for many popular primary search terms (Yahoo! Finance).
The biggest difference between primary and secondary keywords is, of course, the amount of traffic they receive. This may not seem like much of a difference to you, but it's something you must consider when choosing your keywords.
The reason we're looking at these three examples is that you'll get a much better idea of how high demand keywords work if you understand how people typically look for their products or services. The following information will help show you this:
Points To Remember
We're not saying that the above data is everything there is to know about keywords. It's simply a simple and easy-to-understand overview of the basic concept.
With that being said, here are a few additional points to keep in mind when you consider using high demand keyword phrases:
Primary keywords are used as search terms.
Secondary keywords are used to target search terms and often work within another keyword. For example, let's say we find the phrase "choose a home appliance" and we want to target this phrase by using it as a secondary keyword. The chances are you'd jump into Amazon and buy one of the top-selling products for that exact phrase (buy this home appliance).  
By itself, an individual keyword is not enough. You need the proper domain name , which could be based on a secondary keyword .

As you can see, keywords play an important role in the success of your business. They are much like the links that hold together all of the elements in your website (product, images, text, etc.). If you don't know how to build a proper and perfectly placed keyword web, don't worry. Check out our article titled "Keywords: The Basis of Successful Search Engine Optimization." In this article, we take a look at how specific keywords work and how you can use them to your advantage.

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