Popunder Traffic


 Popunder Traffic

Popunder Traffic

Do you see banner advertisements that are literally one pop-up? You do now. In the past few years, popunder ads have been on the rise and I'm sure you've noticed the site that these ads come from. If not, it's probably because they haven't made their way onto your computer yet. With this recent influx of popunders appearing more often than ever before, many have become concerned with its potential impact on personal data privacy. 

In this blog post I will explore what a Popunder is and how it's different from other forms of online advertising when it comes to your personal information being shared.

A popunder is an advertisement that appears on a webpage you are casually browsing while you are offline. When you log back in to the internet, they will give you a small window for roughly 5 seconds to view the ad and close out if you want to. 

This form of advertising was a way for marketers who worked with adult content to advertise without making it seem like they were trying to sell hardcore pornographic material. This allowed them to reach their audience without making it obvious that it was porn being marketed. 

Popunders have also been used to target those who are interested in gambling and using online casinos. Because of this popularity, they have quickly grown from being a way for marketers to get around advertising restrictions to a full blown stealth marketing tool. 

From the beginning of popunders, it was obvious that these ads had no benefit what so ever for the user. They usually lead to adware that is solely operated and run by one central source. In some cases, if you've ever had a popup ad show up on your computer screen from your favorite website, then you're already familiar with how much data these systems can collect about you. 

Over the years, popunder traffic has become an extremely lucrative method of online advertising. The reason for this is that they allow you to view an ad from anywhere in the world without having to wait for someone to get back to you like with banner ads. This saves time as well as money on postage and handling fees. And because popunders are so unique compared to other forms of advertising, their effectiveness is unmatched when it comes to finding what the consumer wants. 

Popunder statistics have continued to increase over the years and currently, both Google and Yahoo! have strict policies against displaying popunders on their search results pages (Yahoo! at least on mobile). The only time popunders can be displayed is when a user first visits a website. This is why you will often see a popunder, but not see it ever again by the same source. 

In addition to adware and spyware being associated with popovers, there have been reports of some websites using them for a more nefarious purpose. These include news sites that want you to become an editor and other malicious publishers who use popovers for drive-by downloads. The most recent high profile case of this was when the White House website was hacked in 2014 by the Syrian Electronic Army.


I hope you learned a little bit more about the different types of advertising and why popunder traffic is such a problem. As I have seen over the years, there are some people that will stop at nothing to see their ad on every screen possible and they use all forms of advertising to do it. These people are most likely employing illegal tactics to obtain their desired results and need to be stopped. And because popunders are so unique, they cannot be stopped by any existing methods. 
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