Online Paid Surveys – Internet Jackpot or Petty Cash?


 Online Paid Surveys – Internet Jackpot or Petty Cash?

Buying a lottery ticket and hoping you’ll hit the jackpot is a good idea. But filling out surveys online to make a few dollars? One of your better options, but not the best. Earning money online often requires patience, yet most of us don’t have that or don’t want to spend any time doing something other than what we really love. That’s why many people avoid paid surveys altogether, relegating them to petty cash status.

Many surveys pay in gift cards, which usually come in very handy, but again it’s not the best choice. There are better ways to make money online – if you follow a few simple guidelines.

Surveys Are Not for Everyone

There’s no debate that surveys can be a legitimate way of making money when you have the time to dedicate to it and the patience to finish them. However, “surveys” are not for everyone. You should never expect to earn large amounts of money with surveys alone – it just doesn’t work that way.

If you’re a working adult with other responsibilities, paid surveys may not be a good fit. Your time is limited, and surveys often take an hour or two to finish, so scheduling them around work (or school) won’t work in most cases. Many surveys are easily skipped if you don’t have the time to devote.

The Bottom Line: It takes time to earn money from paid surveys, but you can make a lot of money online. If you have the time and want to earn some extra cash, paid surveys might be right for you.

Check out this article on how to make money from home online if you need more information on how to earn money.

Here Are the Best Paid Survey Sites:

There are many survey sites out there, but not all of them are good or legitimate. Many survey sites pay well, too – but not always. A few bad apples can ruin it for everyone else, so be sure to do your research before trying a new one (or signing up for a lot of them). That’s why I recommend the sites listed below. They have all been around for some time and have an excellent reputation in the industry and in the general market as well.

If you want to know more about the different types of paid surveys out there, check out this section. I also suggest reading through the reviews on my partners site, Survey Club before deciding to join one of the sites featured here. There are a lot of good reviews, but I’ve also included some bad and/or negative ones as well so you can decide for yourself whether or not it’s worth it.

Paid Surveys: More Than You Think, by Susan Storm (affiliate link) – This book is full of valuable information on how to make money from paid surveys.


Hopefully, you’ve learned that there are a lot of great paid survey sites out there, and that you can make a decent amount of money with surveys. Just be aware that it takes time to get started with surveys, so if you don’t have the time to devote to them right now, don’t worry. If you just want to pick up a small amount of change without doing much work at all – then surveys may not be for you.

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