More Website Traffic from Higher Page Rank


 More Website Traffic from Higher Page Rank

You've probably heard that SEO is important for your website. More and more people are coming to the Internet for their news, reviews, social networking, and getting jobs. In this era of Google dominance it's no wonder that so many websites are looking to rank higher on Google. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of optimizing a site so it will show up in Google searches without paying anything in advertising fees.

There are numerous SEO tactics that can help boost a website's ranking; however, one of the simplest methods is focusing on improving its PageRank.

What is PageRank?

PageRank is a Google ranking algorithm designed to rank and organize the pages of the internet. It is one of the factors used by Google to determine how well web pages should rank in search engine results.

How does it work? PageRank evaluates your website and assigns it a number from 0-10. A zero page rank means that this website has no links pointing to it and in turn, has no authority. The more reputable websites link to your website, the higher your page rank will become (and thus, it will be viewed as more reputable).

PageRank is then the result of a formula: Pageviews * "Presence of links" = PageRank. The presence of links can be proven by adding a robots.txt file that tells Google to not index your website or your home page if it does not have some type of backlink (we'll talk more about this later).

Why is page rank important?

Because it affects how well Google ranks your website. Your page rank is tied to your website's ranking, and when you receive high rankings, you are more likely to attract new visitors and increase conversions.

PageRank also affects the amount of traffic your website has. It's a simple equation: The higher your page rank, the more people will view your site. This means that you'll have greater potential for developing customer traffic, leads and sales.

Google's PageRank is not a "trust factor," but rather a reputation measure. A page with high PageRank is seen as reputable, hence it has credibility within Google's algorithm and will rank well in searches. It also gives Google an idea on how much "trust" they should place with this website – resulting in you having a higher chance of being ranked higher in search engines and receiving more traffic to your website.

How to increase your PageRank:

1. Focus on quality links with a robots.txt file.

If you don't have an easy way of getting backlinks, there are other ways to help your site rank higher in the SERPs (search engine results page). The more backlinks pointing to your website (within a month), the better it will be ranked. You can also add a robots.txt crawl bar to your website that tells Google not to index and crawl a certain section on your site, or no index at all if there aren't any links pointing to it. You can find more info on how to add this by visiting this link: http://www.seobook.

Conclusion: If you want to get more traffic, focus on writing quality content. Provide readers with useful information that increases their online expertise. This will translate into more people linking to your site and ultimately, a higher page rank.

2. Become involved in industry news and forums.

Participating in relevant industry news and forums can help increase the number of backlinks pointing to your website, thereby increasing your page rank as well as your rankings on Google. Each individual forum you actively participate in will boost your credibility and by extension, help you rank better in search engines like Google too – all while building up a reputation for yourself as a thought leader or expert within the niche.


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