Making a Website Work For You


 Making a Website Work For You

Making a website work for you

There are many ways to make a website work for you. There's SEO, content marketing, social sharing, and email newsletters. While these methods have their place in your online strategy, there's another way to make it work for you - making a website that can provide value to its visitors. It doesn't matter if it's an app or blog with on-page optimization tips and tricks or an interactive web application that allows the user to create their own personal cookbook of healthy recipes; the content should be so compelling that visitors can't help but share it with their friends on Facebook and Twitter when they're done using the app. Here are four steps you can take to make your website work for you.
Step 1: Reduce the clutter
The first thing you need to do is strip away as much as possible from the majority of the content on your website. This includes the navigation bar, category links, sidebar links, newsletter subscription form, and any other distractions. Instead focus on what's most important and keep that at the forefront.
Step 2: Use strong imagery that stands out
Nothing takes away from people's day like boring imagery – especially when they're trying to get something done on your website. That's why it's important to use strong imagery that attracts and keeps the visitors' attention. This is a chance to demonstrate your expertise by creating something that does not exist anywhere else online.
Step 3: Use interactive elements
Interactive elements are an effective way to make a website work for you by providing a personalized experience for each visitor. Using touch device specific UX design patterns like swiping, pinching, and tapping are a great way to increase user engagement.
Step 4: Provide an easy to understand call to action
The purpose of a call to action should be clear with few words and an image that is easy for people to understand. You don't want people scrolling around your content in search of the call to action. They need it up front and obvious so they can use your website without getting lost.
How many times have you seen a great piece of content and then found yourself going back to the author's website in order to find more information? That's because great content keeps people coming back for more information. By removing as much of the clutter as possible, using strong imagery, providing an interactive experience, and providing clear calls to actions you can make a website work for you .
Can't Stop Won't Stop Blog is now on Twitter as well! Follow us here: @CantStopWONSTS and share your comments on our blog. Thanks for reading. TM
5 Tips to Improve Your Blog's SEO
A blog is seen by millions of people everyday. Some may not be visiting the blog but searching for it via Google or someone else's search engine. This could be a search term, link, or even a comment posted on a different blog. When people do find your blog it increases the chances that they will keep coming back to read future posts and going onto other sites you may have linked to. A blog is also a good way to promote your personal brand or business.
This post will be the first in a series of 5 tips for bloggers to improve their blog's SEO (search engine optimization). Let's face it: Blogging isn't everything and there are many other methods of marketing such as social media, etc. I just wanted to get this post out the door because I have had two people tell me that they were interested in my posts but couldn't find them in Google searches.
Step 1: Write Quality Content
Your blog should be about something that you love or a topic that you want to learn about.

This is the first post in a series of 5 Tips for bloggers to improve their website's SEO. Subscribe to this blog and follow us on Twitter to get updates. Your comments will also help me improve future posts. I'd love to hear feedback from you!
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About The Author: Karena Yeo is a lifestyle blogger and advice columnist for those in need of relationship help. Check out her blog here . You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter ! Disclosure: HelloGiggles loves Karena for her friendly advice to young women and fun (but not explicit!) posts about relationships.

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