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Have you ever heard of Solitaire Klondike? The card game is played with one deck of 52 cards in six piles. The remaining cards are dealt face down to the tableau, which starts out empty and just contains alternating black and red cards - eight piles in all. To complete a pile, you need to turn up the top card from the pile below. You can only move a card if it fits both of these criteria:
- It's not higher than a king (the highest 'trump' suit) or lower than an ace (the lowest trump suit).
- It's not a trump already in play.
The game can become very complex and difficult, partly because of the numerous rules that govern the game. This article aims to unravel the basic rules of Solitaire Klondike, including opening hands and card-play principles. We'll start by looking at the ways to play this classic card game: what you're allowed to do with your hands and what cards you get dealt (and how you can use these cards to Rack up points).
Solitaire Klondike: Card Game Basics - What You're Allowed to Do with Your Hands
In Solitaire Klondike, you have cards in your hand that you can play. All of them are available from the beginning of the game, and they may be played in any order. For example, if you have three cards that will form a valid combination (for example a 3-6-9), you will be able to play them: before or after they have been turned face up. Once you've played a hand, it stays in your hand - but it's also gone for the rest of the game! There are several ways in which your hand can be reshuffled.
Can't shake hands...
· You can't 'shake hands' with the deck, as it contains all the face-down cards that you play. Under no circumstances may you look at face-down cards in the deck, and under no circumstances may you move the whole deck. This is because you can never be sure where your opponent's cards will come from, so it's important to keep tabs on what they could have! What's more, playing against the deck is obviously impossible.
· When an empty space is turned up in a pile, any card from hand (or an existing card) can fill it.
What cards you can play, when you can play them, and how they have to be played depends on the position of your cards in the tableau. In other words, the order in which you play your cards is significant! This is because there are fines for when and where you can use your hand.
Conclusion: To complete any pile, you need to turn up the top card from the pile below. You can only move a card if it fits both of these criteria: - It's not higher than a king (the highest 'trump' suit) or lower than an ace (the lowest trump suit). - It's not a trump already in play.
· Card-play fines
The following table shows all the fines you may get for moving specific cards. They are added up at the end of the game, and if your score is less than zero, you lose.
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