Link Building Strategy


 Link Building Strategy

You're probably thinking "I don't even know what a link building strategy is, let alone how to execute one." Don't worry, I've got you covered. In this post, we'll explore the process of creating a link building strategy and show you how to execute it.

I will start with some back story on why links are important in the SEO world and then delve into the specifics of creating an efficient link building strategy. I'll cover things like site acquisition methods, placement methods, anchor text ratios and additional tips for success. I'll conclude by telling you how to execute your strategy.

Why are links important?

We live in a world saturated with information. With the advent of the internet which made information more accessible than ever before, no one can be ignorant about the reach and influence of a site. This is because thousands of people have discovered and shared content on their preferred social sites. The only way to keep your site relevant is to make sure that others know that you exist. The inclination is for everyone else to have an opinion about what you do and what you're all about, so be sure to cover as many bases as possible while maintaining relevance for both sides of your messaging.

What this means for you is that building a relevant and quality network is more important than ever before. The world has grown so much in terms of how people consume content in such a short period of time, and the amount of attention we receive has become demand-driven, but supply-limited. If you think about it, the more links you have, the easier it is to expand your reach as well as increase your authority.

Why do links matter?

The SEO world has been shifting for a long time. It's no longer about how many links you have, but how relevant they are to your niche. Because we all operate in silos, being a part of the same community or participating in the same activities is extremely important. Think about it this way, if you're a member of a group or have more connections than another competitor does, then you'll likely be considered more valuable by the community at large. This can lead to increased credibility and site authority. That's essentially what links are trying to accomplish — establishing their host as an authority in their space.

In the past, building links was all about mass — getting as many as you could to the homepage. Nowadays though, it's about relevance. Building one link from a blog in your niche to your homepage no longer matters as much as having twenty links from reputable sources with relevant anchor text pointing back at your site.

What is a link building strategy?

A link building strategy is just that — a plan of action that you follow in order to build links that will grow your site's authority and trust level in the long term while maintaining quality control. Any successful SEO company will outline a plan of action for you, but there are some things you need to consider before we get into the nitty gritty of creating one.


The key to the strategy is twofold: 1. Having a fluid strategy that you can change or tweak as you go along 2. Fixing the techniques that don't work or are ineffective.

Part 1: Creating your link building strategy
Now that we've established why links matter and what a strategy entails, let's delve into how to accomplish this in practice. I'm going to break this up into two sections — site acquisition and placement.

Site Acquisition Methods

Site acquisition is all about acquiring sites and using them as a means of acquiring links to your site or website portfolio without having to do link building through manual efforts.

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