Life Without Reciprocal Link
When the algorithm for websites that follow back on twitter came out in 2013, I had the opportunity of creating a website to get a lot of traffic for relatively little effort. However, this did not work as expected and my site (which is still running) was penalized by Twitter. So I saw that my traffic went down and decided to move on with life. But a few months later, when it became clear that Link Ads would be happening with more frequency than any other time in history there was an opportunity for me again! So without further ado, here are all the links you need to download to make your own blog post go viral.
1. The article is posted to a blog, which has 20+ followers on twitter. (The more followers you have, the more chance you are giving to the user to visit your website and therefore retweet it)
3. The user reads the first sentence of your post and clicks on it because he's curious about what will be said later.
4. The user sees that (no matter how much he scrolls) there are no tweets at all on your post and that it is not longer than 140 characters, so he decides to share it on twitter because he thinks there is nothing else interesting on that website.
5. The user applies some kind of unique or original description, link etc. to make his tweet more interesting and attracts even more people to visit your website.
6. The user tweets your article from his own Twitter account and then shares it on Facebook, Tumblr, Blogger etc. to gain himself a lot of followers too!
7. Everyone who visits the website sees the tweet at the top of the page and reads it (because it's more interesting than anything else on that page). Most users click on retweets because they want to see all different opinions about that post, so they view all different accounts that have retweeted it as well.
8. The users who read the article (and probably the tweet too) come to your website because they read your link in a tweet.
9. You can also include a call to action such as email signups or anything else!
10. Over time, more and more people will retweet the tweet and like it, which means more people will visit your website!
All these elements are important and you need to make sure you don't neglect any of them!
If you wish to create an interesting post that is going to attract a lot of traffic (that has almost no chance of being retweeted), here's what you should do: 1. Take an interesting topic 2. Write 300+ characters about that topic 3. Use your main keywords in the title and the first sentence 4. Add some images if you wish 5. Write an interesting description 6. Don't forget to add links to your other articles!
Now, because I am a nice person, here's a link to a website that follows back on twitter:
If you know anyone who needs a website like that or if any of you have questions feel free to ask me!
Well this article was an obvious attempt by GoDaddy marketing team or whoever wrote that blog post to make us buy their product. Is it possible that GoDaddy is owned by the NSA? More importantly, I am not interested in spending money on products or services that do not have any value. I only want to spend money on products and services that have value for me or for something I believe will benefit me in some way.
I am going to go ahead and delete this article, even though you are saying nothing offensive. But I still think 'followbackfree' is a meaningless website and does not really do anything useful. If you want to make your website popular like Google does, you need people to talk about your content and get it retweeted so more visitors can see it.
All you need is a lot of followers on Twitter.
It's true, and you can buy Twitter followers easily.
But I don't think this article is as useful as people make it out to be. There are many other factors (such as social signals) that matter when it comes to getting your content retweeted, so the article doesn't really go into those details. The benefits of getting your content retweeted are exaggerated and could be easily achieved by buying Facebook likes or something like that. On top of that, a lot of the information in the article seems like it was copied from another blog post.
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