Internet Marketing: The Fine Line between Internet Marketing and Spam
According to the Google webmaster guidelines, a website is not supposed to “engage in deceptive practices by using text or menus that encourage users to click on links other than the links Google considers most relevant" for search results. It’s considered an act of spam and is against their terms of service. Modern internet marketers need to be mindful of this fact when they are planning their site content and designing automated emails.
What’s especially concerning is when these emailers have a large group of people who have subscribed to their email list, but never visit their website. They do, however, populate their email list with worthless information that’s useless to the consumer and most likely does not even belong to them.
One of the many practices that modern internet marketers need to avoid is using fake and misleading titles. Search engines (including Google) cannot distinguish between helping you find legitimate content and enticing you with revenue.
Spammers use titles like: “Internet Marketing Training for Beginners; Internet Marketing Strategies; Free Internet Marketing Courses; Free Online Internet Marketing Courses" or “Free Online Marketing Courses for Beginners".
Always remember that by using these deceptive practices, you’re violating Google's image guidelines, as well as the FTC guidelines.
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What exactly is email marketing? And how does it differ from traditional marketing methods like ads, direct mail and catalogs? The first difference is that email marketing is all about communication; it's about building relationships with people who have shown an interest in your products or services. So how will you do this? First, send a personalized email that offers something the recipient wants. Second, find ways to add value. Third, make it easy for people to take action — and persuade them to do so.
What are the biggest challenges in email marketing? The biggest challenge is to separate "the real from the fake" in your emails, just like you'd need a guide on how to differentiate between red shells and green shells when playing with a golf ball. You could guess about which ones are real and which ones are not, but still miss sometimes.
How does email marketing work? Email marketing works by making the customer feel special and buy their products or services. It's all about building trust with the customer – through sending well crafted messages that will make them want to click on your email link. By doing this, you can get them to buy your products or services. The customer will be ready to buy something from you because of the trust they built and not due to your outstanding products or services.
Why does email marketing work? Email marketing works because of the Internet. It works very well on the Internet because people are using it more than ever, whether they are aware of it or not. They use email every day for almost everything from catching up with friends and relatives, sending agenda items for a meeting, or even for business purposes such as selling a product. It is estimated that almost 80% of all business communication is done through email in the U.S. alone.
How can you get started with email marketing? You don't need a huge budget to start out with email marketing. In fact, the opposite might be true, because it's easier and cheaper to build an email list than it is to build a customer base for your product or service. All you need are the right tools and a little bit of time each day to keep in touch with your customers; and before long, you will have built a substantial customer base for your business. One thing that separates you from other marketers is that they are probably not as persistent in sending their messages on a regular basis.
What should you do to get started? Start with a list of people who might be interested in your product or service. You can start off with someone you know personally, but don't limit yourself to just one person. The more people you list, the better. To make your email marketing work, it's important to follow some basic tips. Make sure you're communicating with your customers and providing them with valuable information that they will value. Give them what they want and make it easy for them to respond if they are interested in a sale or an order.
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One of the most prominent features that differentiates an effective email campaign from a poor one is the subject line. You can have the best content in the world, but if your email subject is poorly crafted, you have no chance of it being opened and read by your recipients. Therefore, any marketer worth his salt will tell you that crafting a good email subject is crucial to getting high conversion rates and better delivery rates from your email marketing campaigns.
So how do you go about creating a good email subject line that will entice your recipients to open it? Here are some tips:
Make it relevant to your target audience. If you have been following the rules of effective marketing, then writing relevant email content should be second nature to you. This means that even with the subject line, you should tailor it to the interests and preferences of your readers. For example, let's say that you belong to a group of people who love watching football. If someone who is not a member of this group sends an email with a football related subject line, there is no guarantee that they will open this email since he or she does not have any real interest in football. However, if you are a football fan, then your subject line should be something on the lines of "How to catch up with the latest scores and predictions" or "New ways to watch soccer." This puts you in a better position of the email recipient deciding whether or not to open it.
Be original and creative. Too many marketers keep sending emails to their subscribers that look exactly like what was sent by their competitors. The solution is not to copy what your competitors are doing and expect to get huge click-through rates; instead, you have to find ways of injecting your own sense of creativity into your subject lines. For instance, if you are a wine aficionado who is selling old wines, then you might try something like "Why you should drink your way to wealth." This kind of topic will surely get your readers' attention and entice them to open your email.
Avoid being too promotional. Since the subject line of your email has to be short and catchy enough for people to read it, it's important for marketers not to make their subject lines too promotional. As a general rule of thumb, you should limit the number of marketing words in your subject lines. Marketers who do this are more likely to score higher click-through rates and better delivery rates since their email subscribers know what they are going to receive when they open the emails.
As you can see, creating a good email subject line that gets opened and read by your recipients is not really hard. You just have to be creative enough to come up with something relevant, interesting and maybe even useful to your readers. If you want to be an effective marketer who gets results from his email marketing campaigns, then you have no choice but to put a lot of thought into crafting the perfect subject lines. If you are successful in doing so, then there is no doubt that you will soon reap the benefits of higher click-through rates and delivery rates from your email marketing campaigns.
Article Source: http://ezinearticles.
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