Increase Link Popularity and Good Rankings in Search Engine


 Increase Link Popularity and Good Rankings in Search Engine

There is a lot of competition for search engine rankings. You need to be in the first page of Google – and if you're not, you're more likely to get your website and company links hacked with bad content or spammy viral sites.

If this sounds like your website or company, read on for some great SEO tips.    1- Have a website map out your target keywords, then create good quality, relevant articles using those keywords as they appear on the page. 2- Keep keyword density at 1% or less; try to avoid high focal words that will attract more spammy links. 3- Add long tail keyword variations such as "best cat names" instead of just "cat names". 4- Prioritize the use of your target keywords when writing good articles.   5- Always use relevant images with alt attributes that are keyword rich - if you have an article about baking a pie, use an image of a pie with an alt tag like "homemade apple pie" your search engine rankings will shoot up. 6- Use a relevant keyword rich author bio and profile. 7- Backlink your website posts using high page rank social bookmarking sites and directories to boost your search engine rankings. 8- Avoid duplicating or spamming the web with low value content that will damage your search engine rankings for all the keywords in the post. 9- Get links from high page rank websites and blogs in your niche, which should preface anchor text of your niche related good content that is aged enough. 10-Get social approval signals by posting good valuable links on social bookmarking sites like Digg, Reddit and other high page rank social bookmarking sites - see #7 above for more information on how to do this properly. 11- Make a decision on publishing schedule - use Google Alerts app to monitor for search engine friendly posts. 12- Monitor your website analytics tools like Google Analytics or Crazy Egg, so you can see which keywords you are ranking high for.

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In the past week, the most Googled topic was Stuart Scott, followed by hundreds of thousands of searches for iPhone applications. The rise of mobile devices and popularity of apps have changed the way people search online. People have been increasingly searching with more specific terms than general keywords to find what they want faster than ever.

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