Increase Internet Traffic


 Increase Internet Traffic

Trying to drive traffic to your website? Learning about good and bad search engine optimization can seem like a daunting task. A quick search of the web will provide you with innumerable articles, tutorials, and books on how to do SEO for your site, but most are either too vague or too complicated. Let us simplify it for you: here's why things work the way they do in SEO, how to do them properly - and what not to do at all costs.

If you want more people coming through your site's doors, here are 9 things that Google wants you to know about internet marketing.

The goal of Google is to create a search engine that can deliver any information a user needs, when he needs it.

To do so, Google uses one main criterion: relevancy. The more relevant the search results are to the query, the better for everyone - user, search engine and webmaster/content creator alike.

The relevancy ranking of a site has one major factor: the keywords used by the webmaster and content writer in order to optimize their site for search engines. To best explain this relationship, you must know how Google works in its current form. Underneath each of your searches on Google lies what is called a "list of keyword phrases". This list is a compilation of all the words you searched for in relation to your starting query.

One of Google's great innovations was to get rid of the ten blue links from the days of Alta Vista. PageRank, an algorithm created by Sergey Brin and Larry Page as Stanford students, became Google's most powerful search tool, and it still is. It is a rank given to each website based on how many other sites link to it (if you want to see how your site ranks in relation to others, plug it into Yahoo!'s Site Explorer). The more links pointing back to a site, the higher its PageRank score and therefore, the higher its listing position on all relevant searches.

However, this is not the only ranking factor used by Google.

What Google does to rank a site for search results depends on what type of site it is. For instance, if you're a local business, your website will likely have little or no influence from external links. However, if you're a business with a presence in many countries, it might be important for you to be listed as one of the first pages in search results. To have that happen, your website has to play well with others - to be "on-topic". But how? By running keywords throughout your website and using content writing techniques such as keyword density and keyword optimization (which we'll talk about later).


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