How To Eliminate Wordpress Blog Comment Spam


 How To Eliminate Wordpress Blog Comment Spam

WordPress blog comment spam is a necessary evil; it can’t be prevented and it can’t be eliminated. The best you can do is reduce the number of comments that are spam. 

It doesn’t take much to for spammers to take advantage of your blog and get their content published on your site with their links. In this post I will show you how to prevent comment spam in WordPress blogs and how to remove the offending commentary when it does show up on your site. 

Follow these steps: 
1) Plugin - Akismet - Download, install, update Akismet within Wordpress Admin panel (Settings > Plugins > Add New). Activate it.
2) Action - Akismet Spam Report - Press the button; it will send a report of your Akismet log to Akismet's online database. You can review this report at anytime to determine the source of WordPress spam comments. 
3) Plugin - SpamBlacklist - Download, install and activate SpamBlacklist within Wordpress Admin panel (Settings > Plugins > Add New). Activate it.
4) Action - Home Page Content Filter - Read the explanation for how to use this plugin; take note of the box and check mark in red below.
5) Plugin - Breadcrumb and Prefix Manager - Download, install and activate Breadcrumb and Prefix Manager within Wordpress Admin panel as needed. 
6) Action - Breadcrumb & Prefix Manager Highlight Post/Page Title - Click on the plugin's menu entry to the right of breadcrumb and prefix manager' name. Click on "Highlight Post/Page Title". Under "Title", choose [title]. Wordpress will now show only title text (no link) at the top of blog entries instead of the title spam.
7) Plugin - Google XML Sitemaps - Download, install, and activate Google XML Sitemaps within Wordpress Admin panel (Settings > Plugins > Add New). Activate it. 
8) Plugin - URLs NoIndex & Follow Redirects - Download, install, and activate URLs NoIndex & Follow Redirects within Wordpress Admin panel. Click on the plugin's menu entry to the right of "URLs NoIndex & Follow Redirects"' name. Choose "Remove Followed Links from Spam". Under "Type", choose [comment]. That will stop spammers from using your blog as a link building service. 
9) Plugin - Custom CSS - Download, install and activate Custom CSS within Wordpress Admin panel. Select [css] from the menu that pops up when you click on the plugin's name. Under [style] choose [comment]. That will stop spammers from using your blog as a link building service.
10) Plugin - DarnCustom - Download, install and activate DarnCustom within Wordpress Admin panel (Settings > Plugins > Add New).

The above steps will help prevent spammers from commenting on your blog with their links. Still, it is possible to get a few comments that are spammy by following all of the above steps. You can also check the list at for other plugins that may help. 
A related article that teaches you how to remove a platform using against your site, which shows up in search engines, and removes comment spam and objectionable commentary from your site: How to Remove Blog Comment Spam
By Jim Doherty (www.wordpressmakingmoneyonline.

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