Getting Your Site Indexed Before You Launch


 Getting Your Site Indexed Before You Launch

Google indexes and crawls websites (or portions of websites) to determine which ones are most relevant to particular keywords. When you create a site, the content is indexed gradually over time as Google finds it. The quicker your site gets indexed, the more likely it is that your site will rank higher in SERPs for longer periods of time. 

Here are a few basic steps you can take to make sure Google indexes your site as quickly and efficiently as possible:

- Check for duplicate content on your pages by using Google Search Console (formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools). This will help ensure that Google doesn't index duplicate items. If you find duplicates, take action on those items right away.

- If you've used a secure URL (https:// or https:// ) as your site's main homepage, the URL will be indexed quickly and easily. If you are not using a secure URL, add one now and make sure that URLs are correct and maintained so that they are not 404s or redirected pages.

- Change the canonical tag on your site to /index.php . For example: <link rel="canonical" href="" />  <meta name="msapplication-url" content="/index.php" />

- Use the rel="next" and rel="prev" tags to link your site's internal pages together.

- Create sitemaps for your website, and use the xml sitemap feature in Search Console to make sure Google is aware of them.

- Add your site to Google Webmaster Tools — this is the best way to let Google know how you want it indexed and which pages you want indexed.

Here are some links to more information on getting your site indexed:  (Backlink not available anymore.)
Note: This post is meant as a basic guide to getting your website indexed by Google as quickly as possible. For a more comprehensive understanding of indexing a website, look at the following:
" How to get your new WordPress site indexed by Google " wordpress blog is indexed  by google/"
"How to ensure your WordPress blog is indexed by Google?"
"A step by step guide on getting your WordPress site indexed quickly. "
"How to get your WordPress blog indexed by Google in 3 hours!"  (Backlink not available anymore.)
"How to get your WordPress Site Indexed in a few hours."" (Backlink not available anymore.
"How to get your site indexed by Google in less than 90 days."" (Backlink not available anymore.)
"How to Make Sure Your Wordpress Posts Are Indexed by Google."" (Backlink not available anymore.)
"How to make your WordPress site show up in the search engines."" (Backlink not available anymore.)
"How to Get Your WordPress Site Indexed Fast."" (Backlink not available anymore.)
"How To Mine Your Site's Google Profile for Links." (Backlink not available any more.
"How To Mine Your Sites Google Profile For Links Part 2."" (Backlink not available anymore.)
"How to Increase Website Traffic Using Search Engines: Easy Tips to Improve Rankings."" (Backlink not available any more.)" (Backlink not available any more.
"How to Index Your New WordPress Blog (SEO that works in 2013)."" (Backlink not available anymore.)" (Backlink not available any more.) " How to get your Java based website indexed  (Backlink not available anymore.) (Backlink not available any more.) " Google site indexing  (Backlink not available anymore.) " The secret to quick site indexing  (Backlink not available anymore.)
" Where is your website being indexed ?" http://dmoztools.

Conclusion: If you have questions or comments about how to make sure your WordPress site is indexed by Google, please feel free to leave them in the comments below. " The SEO Checklist , Andrew Bomford, Owner of SEO Expert Blog."

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