Flash Or Bang - Which Would You Prefer?


 Flash Or Bang - Which Would You Prefer?

Flash or bang? Fans of the revolutionary 18th century invention, gunpowder, are more than familiar with this dilemma. What will the future hold for that once-common sound: a hard ting! Or perhaps nothing at all?

Both would be good options, but one has a little more to offer than the other. This article will compare flash and bang to help you make an informed decision on which style you would prefer.


Of course, the word 'flash' brings to mind the appearance of a brilliant light. Click on this link and you'll see what we're talking about! As you can see, it's as bright as the sun. But how does it work? What exactly is flash powder? Well, that's a little complicated. Let's take a look at the different types of flash powders available. There are some common ingredients associated with modern flash powders that are based on early formulas of flash, including magnesium and potassium chlorate. Flash-type pyrotechnics use either of these ingredients to produce their results.

The flash powder described in the link above uses a solution of potassium chlorate and sodium nitrate. What makes this powder unique is that argon is added to the mix, so that the resulting mixture ends up with a sky blue hue. When shot, this mixture can burn for as long as two minutes.

This type of flash might be the best choice for those who want to dazzle audiences with an impressive light show, but aren't concerned with creating large amounts of smoke or noise. The range of fire produced by this form of flash powder is very limited.


The origin of the word 'bang' is much less ambiguous. In fact, it has been used for hundreds of years to refer to the sound produced by a gun when it is discharged. This kind of firework produces a big boom! It is characterized by the burning and rapid expansion of gases (usually produced through the rapid ignition of combustible materials). The flash that accompanies these types of fireworks can often be intense, and hang in mid-air for quite some time. Depending on the size and shape of the container used to produce this type of firework, bangs can range in length from a few seconds to several minutes.

The boom that accompanies this type of firework should be enough to get your audience's attention. It can also create enough noise to make sure it is heard even from far away. The range of bang firework is pretty impressive, sometimes in excess of 2000+ feet! But this isn't the only perk that this type of firework has going for it.

Of course, both types of fireworks will put on great shows and provide audiences with striking visual results, but the bang firework has a lot more going for it.

The flash will provide a great light show, but the lasting effects will usually be short-lived, unlike the bang firework. In addition, a bang firework usually produces more smoke and can even be used to simulate gunfire. From a bird's eye view, a fireworks display featuring lots of bang fireworks might look like this:

Each firework is unique from one another, and there is no single answer to the question "Which type of firework do you prefer?" That being said, it is undeniable that bang fireworks are more versatile than flash ones. And because of this versatility, they are typically used more frequently in displays.

So, which did you opt for? The flash or the bang? What would you say is more of a flash and bang firework? Feel free to post your opinion in the comment box below!

Source - http://www.flashpowder.com/flash_or_bang_which_would_you_prefer/
by: Shawna Wright  | Twitter @ShawnaWright  | 21-03-2013 at 10:56 PM ET I don't know much about these fireworks but I believe that Flashpowder is selling them on Amazon for $9.35 ... http://www.amazon.com/FlashPowder-Triple-Projectile-Color-Effects/dp/B007D8W40Y

Flash Or Bang?
Posted by Steve Norton at 6:53 AM 1 comment:
By Dan Antion from the Blog Topic - Fireworks and the Pyrotechnic Arts Category - News and Events  I used to manage a large fireworks supply store in Arizona called Pyro City. I have put together a short history of fireworks. I hope you enjoy it and find it informative. I love fireworks! Sure we all do, but did you know that we can actually trace their history back to prehistory? The Chinese were the first...
Lighting The Fuse: A Brief History of Fireworks
Posted by Dan Antion at 8:08 AM No comments:
By Dan Antion from the Blog Topic - Fireworks and the Pyrotechnic Arts Category - News and Events  So you want to make some fireworks? Well, I can't help you get started...but here is a great article about the history of fireworks. Enjoy! http://www.mhrobotics.com/blog/history-of-fireworks/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheReusableRobot+%28The+ReusableRobot%29
Does the force spent by fireworks tax your battery? - The Washington Post  |  Published on:  4:10 PM, April 20, 2013 By Steve Butts I'm sure you saw the photo. A young boy in a Star Wars T-shirt emerged from behind a pickup truck and hurled a handful of fireworks upward to salute his father's recent departure. The smoke from the exploding display billowed high over an idyllic Pennsylvania landscape.

Conclusion: Great firework. I would recommend it. But maybe you are like me and a bit worried about the long-term effects on your battery. If you are then this article is not for you because it is one of those where the results are laid out in plain black and white for everyone to see. For those, like me, who are paranoid about the effects of fireworks on their electric car, this article is a revelation. It introduces us to a small company that charges $49 to test your battery (or plug in) before and after each show.

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