Conoce a la Realeza y Aristocracia Europea


 Conoce a la Realeza y Aristocracia Europea

¿Te sientes inseguro sobre tu formación histórica? ¿Cuáles son los países y monarquías europeos que constituyen el continente? ¿Qué tipo de reformas políticas, económicas y sociales suelen ser propuestas a la aristocracia europea?

Si es así, entonces este blog podría ser para ti. En este blog, tendrás la oportunidad de conocer a cada uno de los países y monarquías europeos, y sus respectivas historias. Incluso tienes la oportunidad de explorar el funcionamiento interno del gobierno.

¿Estás listo para aprender? ¡Entonces comencemos! Vamos a empezar por España.




Information about the Title: Conoce a la Realeza y Aristocracia Europea.
Why was the Title selected?: I took this title because it appeared to be natural. ¿Qué paises hay en Europa? ¿Quiénes son los reyes, príncipes y nobles? If you can answer these questions, then you are ready to start learning about Europe and its monarchy. This blog will help you learn about each king. It will give you detailed information about their reigns, and the events that have impacted their reigns.

History Contents: I intended to write a short intro about each of the monarchs, and the help of my friend Jeff White gave me the idea for this blog. First, let us all get acquainted with Spain; Spain is often considered to be one of the oldest European nations. The first royal family was formed by the House of Jimena in 751 A.D., which eventually became known as the House of Crowns or House of Bourbon (meaning "of Boren"). This House was instrumental in the end of the Emirate of Cordoba, and it's founder, Abderraman III. Spain was one of the last nations to become a constitutional monarchy after Napoleon invaded Iberia. As Prince Ferdinand VII stated, "I want to be King because my father was King, not because I have won a battle." With that said, his election to throne (30 December 1814) marked the beginning of the Spanish Bourbon Restoration, which restored Spanish monarchy from 1814 until 1931.


Information about the Title: Conoce a la Realeza y Aristocracia Europea.
Why was the Title selected?: I took this title because it appeared to be natural. ¿Qué paises hay en Europa? ¿Quiénes son los reyes, príncipes y nobles? If you can answer these questions, then you are ready to start learning about Europe and its monarchy. This blog will help you learn about each king. It will give you detailed information about their reigns, and the events that have impacted their reigns.

Conclusion: History is fascinating. I wrote this blog to help people discover the history of Europe as told by the kings. I do not intend to offend anyone, but if you disagree with my points, even better! This blog will be updated as more information is released.

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