Complement Your Mother's Personality With The Perfect Scent


 Complement Your Mother's Personality With The Perfect Scent

Admit it, as a daughter you want to make your mom happy. You want her to wear something that she loves and feels beautiful in. However, what you give her might not always be the best scent for her personality type. For instance, if your mom is an fire type- a person who craves attention and doesn't take criticism well-, she probably won't like wearing a fragrance that's more appropriate for someone who's an earth type-someone who is grounded and prefers the background to being in the spotlight-. But don't worry, we've got you covered! We have three different scents below that complement all of the different personality types: water (most people), fire, or earth (least).
However, you shouldn't give someone a perfume just because you want them to like it. It's important to read other people's body language and preferences, and also use the color of their hair and eyes before giving them something that might clash with their personality. If they're a more causal type of person, don't give them something that smells too strong or causes too much attention. And if they're a more formal type, then feel free to experiment with stronger fragrances.
Another thing you should consider is the season your gifting this perfume in! Some perfumes are better suited for winter than summer or vice versa (like orange blossoms), so take this into consideration as well.
After all this, if you're still not sure what to gift your mom, then peruse the list below and try something new this year!
Water Types:  If your mom is a water type, she's probably concerned about her health and well being. She likes to surround herself with friends and family who care about her, so make sure to get a perfume that compliments those attributes.
Type of people: Caring, following the rules, can be shy at first but opens up after you get to know them better.
Fragrance: Nuccio , long lasting, no chemical smells.
Water types tend to like light fragrances that are fresh, but not overpowering. If you want to take it one step further, then go for a perfume that has a citrus scent (like lime or lemon), it will help to balance the scent and make your mom feel more confident. 
Type of people: Caring, spiritual, always looking for others' approval. 
Fragrance: La Scena , delicious fruity here! 
Water types' fragrances tend to be more natural smelling, so you don't need anything too strong or spicy in order to smell good.

Fire Types: If your mom is a fire type, she's probably outgoing and has a lot of energy. Fire types are best suited to stronger fragrances that have long lasting power. These types like to be the center of attention, so they tend to wear fragrances that can match that.
The best thing about fire types is their confidence! They don't care what other people think about them unless it conflicts with their personal goals or beliefs. Although this sounds like the perfect person, it ends up conflicting with water types who prefer to take time before speaking up (see our water type description above).
Type of people: Enthusiastic, fun loving, charismatic.

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