Clothing Tips for Men


 Clothing Tips for Men

Do you want to know how to dress like a man? There are lots of ways in which men can dress, but women don't care about. Some guys seem as though they have a lot of swagger, and others come off as trying too hard. By following these seven steps, you'll be able to walk with confidence and not worry about being judged for your choice of attire.

1) Wear clothing that fits your body type well: This may sound obvious, but it is worth mentioning that clothes should fit the shape of your body. Try on several different types of pants before you buy a pair to make sure they feel comfortable; it may take you a while to get the right fit, but getting it right will help your overall look of confidence.

2) Wear clothes that are not too tight or too loose: This is another obvious one, but wearing clothes that are either too tight or too loose can make you look sloppy and uncomfortable. It's like wearing a tuxedo without tailoring. Choose clothing that fits well, but makes it appear as though you have some form of control over your wardrobe.

3) Replace your clothes more regularly: When you wear the same clothes over and over again, it's easy to let your appearance slide. However, if you switch out a few pieces of clothing in your wardrobe after every few wears, it will be easier to stay sharp looking. Remember, women appreciate a man who knows how to dress himself well.

4) Know the fashion rules for your gender: It is important that you know what colors and cuts look good on men; otherwise you'll end up looking like a clown at best and feminine at worst. Women like men who know how to dress well, so do some research into the basics of men's style and fashion rules from time to time.

5) Stick to basic colors: It's also important to not wear too much color at once or over-accessorize. If you're wearing a white shirt with an open jacket, you might not want to go too crazy with black pants and a bright red tie; it will make you look too flashy. Stick to only one or two colors, and mix it up as needed.

6) Wear something different every once in a while: You don't have to stick with the same outfit every night! Experiment with what suits your personality and what looks good on your body type. If you feel that wearing a tie makes you look silly, then don't do it.

7) Get your clothes tailored: Tailor your clothes so that they fit your body perfectly. Also, if you have pants or shirts that are somewhat old and worn looking, replace them with something of higher quality. Women are attracted to men who pay attention to their looks, and nothing says "I care about my appearance" like new and well-tailored clothing.

Don't forget to follow these tips! If you want some more information on style tips for men, check out this website at .


As you can see, dressing well is not that hard; the key is to dress for your body type and for what you're going to do that day. Don't worry about what everyone else is wearing. You don't have to wear a suit every time you go somewhere because it could make you look overdressed or underdressed. Men's clothing is actually pretty diverse these days, so there's no reason why you shouldn't find something good when shopping in the men's department. Also, be sure to visit Stylemepretty.

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