Clothes and Shoes and Stretching


 Clothes and Shoes and Stretching

Clothes and Shoes and Stretching: What to Wear Up High, What to Wear Down Low

Most of us spend a lot of time in our clothes, but when it comes to running, the wrong choice can lead to injury. Some runners wear the same clothes for every run without even realizing that they might not work as well when taken on long or fast runs. It's important for runners to know which clothes are best for what type of running so there's nothing holding them back.

Stretching before a run can help runners avoid injuries and get the most out of their workouts. Stretching is also important after a run to prevent soreness, stiffness, and cramping. However, it's not necessary to stretch on every run; sometimes stretching on alternate days is enough.

What do you wear when you run? Do you change clothes for long runs or speedwork? What clothes do you use for stretching? Share your tips below!


What are your tips on running clothes and stretching? What do you wear on long runs and short runs? How do you stretch after a run? Do you follow a certain routine? Share your thoughts and tips below! (If possible, please include sources of your information so we can check them out.) We love hearing from you! Don't forget to also check out the other posts from this week at the links below:
2 Comments:   Anonymous said... said... Awesome blog. Keep doing this. You are great at it. Keep it up. I'll be looking out for more of your posts Anonymous said... said... Hello there, You have done a great job. I was able to find a lot of entertaining stuff here. I hope to give something back and help others like you helped me. Thanks for sharing all these blogs with us. 3 Comments:   Laptop said... said... Great blog! Keep up the good work, thanks for sharing! 2 Comments:   Anonymous said... said... Awesome blog. Keep doing this. You are great at it. Keep it up. I'll be looking out for more of your posts
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Posted on: February 13th, 2012 by Aarón Jiménez 1 Comment:   Anonymous said... said... I can totally relate! It's all about the clothes we wear! 1 Comment:   Anonymous added...
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Posted on: February 13th, 2012 by Aarón Jiménez 0 Comments:  
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Posted on: February 13th, 2012 by Aarón Jiménez 0 Comments:  
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Tech for Your Tech!

Normal posts will resume tomorrow. No posts today due to the Super Bowl (go Niners). We'll be back at it tomorrow, so be sure to check back then.


What are your tech tips? Do you have any great products that you use for running? Share them with us here!

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