Building a Power List of Subscribers to Earn Money Online Over and Over Again


 Building a Power List of Subscribers to Earn Money Online Over and Over Again

Do you want to build a list of subscribers but are all out of ideas? Try these methods and get your list running in no time!

- Create affiliate offers that people will want to buy into.
- Discover the best time during the day for you or your audience to post content.
- Take advantage of automation software and see what happens when you let technology do all the hard work for you.

It's time to jump into business with a profitable power list! The sky is the limit once you have an army of followers at your beck and call. 
- Create an online business that you can promote in your list. Hint: It will not be an affiliate product of any kind. No one wants to be sold to all the time! Be the expert in your niche and people will follow.
- Set up a monetized membership site where members get something valuable, like access to a special video series, and you take a cut of each sale.

Keep in mind that it's good to own a lot of land but it's even better if it has a house on it! 
- I've been leaving photos on Instagram for about 2 years now, and within that time I've gained nearly 400 followers. I just made a post with a photo that I thought would get a lot of traction and it really did–almost 3,000 likes, 1,200 shares, and over 1,000 comments.
- If you can't think of anything to say in your first post that would get people to wanna follow you on Instagram (like me) then simply stop by their profile and listen up! People are looking for entertainment on Instagram, whether it's funny videos or great pictures to help brighten their day.
- Get creative and look for an idea that your audience will like. It could be something as simple as wearing matching shirts at lunch time or posting an ad about how much you love a certain food.

You don't have to be the only one making money in the family. Let your kids make their own money!
- Offer your kids a way to earn extra cash by getting paid to do simple online tasks like taking photos and sharing them on Instagram. Just leave a message with your kid's username and password (the same as yours) and they can start earning from home! I've seen kids earn around $50 in about 20 minutes just by taking a few photos. 
- If you have an app that allows kids to post photos, let them use those on Instagram for less than they would pay for a real photo shoot. Set up photo shoots and toss in your kid's account as part of the marketing plan.
. Get your kids to do the work and then sell it!
- If you have a lot of active Twitter followers, put them to work by telling them how much you want to sell something. You might be surprised by how many people will say "yes" and buy that product from your kid's account.
- Make sure you get the money in advance so nothing goes wrong. I love being able to say that my kid is also making a profit from home!

Why not use all your connections for profit? Your friends can help boost your online income with these seemingly simple tasks:
- Ask your friends who are on Facebook if they would like to install an app on their phones that tracks their steps throughout the day.

- If you know someone who use's Instagram, stop by their profile and tell them about the photo editing app that makes posting photos easier. There's a lot of money to made in this niche because everyone wants an easy way to edit photos and this does just that!

If you have your own resources, why not share them?! Even if people don't buy anything from you, at least they will look at your profile and see what else you're doing online.
- Create an offer on Clickbank for eBooks about Facebook.

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