Backgammon Rules: Learn How to Play Backgammon


 Backgammon Rules: Learn How to Play Backgammon

Backgammon has been played for centuries with countless variations, but the game always boils down to a battle between two players. To win, you must claim all of your opponent's pieces before they can do the same to you.

Fortunately, Backgammon is one of the easiest games to learn and play since all that's required is doubling up your pieces or rolling doubles three times in a row. But how does it work? Keep reading to find out!

The aim of backgammon is to bear off (take off) all fifteen of one's own checkers from the board before one’s opponent can do likewise. In other words, once you are in the lead by bearing off all 15 of your own checkers, you win the game.

There are two ways to achieve this goal. Here's a rundown on both:

1) Make Four on Five (F4F) and have all your checkers on the board. Or, if four of your checkers are already off the board, make five or more in a single move. This is called making four on five , and is the most common way to win at backgammon . It's also known as setting up all of your pieces (all fifteen checkers), or baring them off (offering checks).

2) Make all your opponent's checkers off the board. This is also called blitzing or bearing them off , and it is a less common way to win at backgammon . If you're playing with stakes, your opponent usually has a few chances to avoid defeat before you can make your move.

In summary, the goal is to bear off (take off) all of one's own checkers before one’s opponent can do likewise. To win, bear off all fifteen of your checkers or make four on five and have all checkers on the board. Likewise , if four of your checkers are already out of the board, make five or more in a single move .

This is the basic principle of backgammon. It's as easy as that!

Tips for Beginners

1) Play against a computer. Here are some sites that allow you to play against a computer : , , , and www.hipshotcreations . Note that each has its own different rules, and each game may be won differently depending on the number of players and point system employed at those sites (for example, two games played at www.bacgame will result in two different scores). But you can use them to practice your skills before playing for real money or against actual people .

2) Learn the rules of backgammon. In addition to this article, which discusses how to play backgammon and winning strategies, there are other great sites where you can learn more about the game. Simply do a search on Google or Yahoo! for " Backgammon rules " and you'll get a wealth of information. Also check out .com , , or www.bacgame .com .

3) Know your checkers' positions at all times . The order in which checkers move is crucial. Only the player who bears off (offers checks) can tell his or her opponent where the checkers have moved, which means you must pay attention to what your opponent does. Otherwise, you'll be found out and that prevents you from winning.

4) Pay attention when your opponent moves . Observing your opponent's moves is an important part of playing backgammon . It's not so much a case of seeing if he or she has made a move; it's more of seeing what will happen if he plays his next move, like rolling doubles .


Backgammon has been played for centuries with countless variations, but the game always boils down to a battle between two players. To win, you must claim all of your opponent's pieces before they can do the same to you.

Fortunately, Backgammon is one of the easiest games to learn and play since all that's required is doubling up your pieces or rolling doubles three times in a row. But how does it work? Keep reading to find out!

The aim of backgammon is to bear off (take off) all fifteen of one's own checkers from the board before one’s opponent can do likewise.

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