Avoiding the Pitfalls - Common Podcasting Mistakes
A podcast is a collection of audio or video segments that typically runs between 20 and 60 minutes long. There are thousands of podcasts available, with new programs being added every day. One of the most popular methods for recording podcasts is using an external microphone that plugs into your computer. This microphone can be used to pick up sound from other rooms in the house while you record your podcast, although it can also be used directly on your computer's sound card to record music and voice-overs without having to use headphones or earbuds at all. However, if you're interested in making a podcast from scratch, chances are you'll need some specialized equipment like microphones and external input converters.
Many podcasters choose to use a pair of microphones to record their podcasts. These two microphones can be set up in two different locations so that the podcaster is able to record his voice and the voices of his guests at different angles. This also eliminates the problem of having to re-record segments because one or both parties didn't sound audible, were too loud or were too quiet. Many microphones can be purchased for a reasonable price, such as Blue Microphones' Blue Snowball or MXL USB 2000 condenser mic. Both are available at relatively low prices and will provide professional quality recordings. The microphone you choose depends on the type of podcast you plan on creating. Some podcasters record straight to a computer by plugging the microphone into their sound card and recording directly into the program's audio track. Others prefer to use a dedicated recorder, maybe one that comes with special software, like Audacity.
External Recorders
If you're interested in recording your podcast without using your sound card or external microphone (which can be run directly off of the computer's USB port), then you may want to check out an external podcasting device. These devices typically consist of a digital recording device and an amplifier that can be connected to a computer via USB. Some devices come with many features, such as a digital microphone to record your voice and a pre-amp mode that boosts the signal coming from the microphone so that it can be recorded efficiently without distortion. One device that is available for a reasonable price and has some advanced features is the Zoom H1 recorder. It comes with stereo microphones, recording software that allows for post-recording editing and numerous other features. The device can be purchased at Amazon by clicking here .
Once you've recorded your podcast, you'll need to edit it afterward. Editing can include any of these processes: sound enhancement, adding or removing background noises or adjusting volume levels between different parts of your podcast. One device that can help with this is the Behringer DCX2496 Multi-Channel Audio Mixing Console . This console features 24 channels of mixing, allowing you to mix between different microphones and change the volume levels and sound quality of every part of your podcast. These mixers can be purchased through online audio retailers for around $600.
Online Recorders
If you want a simple recording device to plug directly into your computer, one option is to purchase a digital recorder that can be plugged directly into a computer through a USB connection. These devices are relatively cheap and are designed for creating podcasts in addition to recording music or speech. Podcasters have reported good results with the Showbiz Bluetooth Digital Recording Studio .
There are many opportunities for podcasters to improve their podcasts, although many of those opportunities involve purchasing additional gear. If you're interested in giving an electronic podcast a shot, you may want to try it out for yourself first by purchasing a microphone and software that is compatible with your equipment. You can also consult with some friends and colleagues to see what they recommend. No matter which route you take, however, make sure your podcast follows the standards outlined in the FCC's Audio Home Recording Regulation . In addition to ensuring that your podcast follows FCC regulations, this regulation also outlines the most important steps to take so that every part of your podcast will sound natural and professional.
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