Authentic Handbags - How To Make Sure Your Getting The Real Thing
You just got a brand new bag. Great! But now, you're not so sure. You might have just bought a fake.
It's possible that your bag is a replica, but the more likely culprit is that you bought what was advertised as an authentic luxury handbag but are in possession of an unofficial imitation instead.
How can you tell the difference? In a nutshell, it comes down to three things: quality of materials, quality of construction, and a few other small but important details. If you're interested in buying an authentic designer bag, this article will help you know the difference so that you'll have no doubt that what you're buying is truly genuine.
The one exception to the rule is the Louis Vuitton monogram canvas. No matter how skilled the knockoff artist is, he or she will never be able to duplicate the LV canvas pattern exactly—or even close enough to fool most people.
Avoid the fakes if you care about quality and style, and stop and reconsider if you must save a few dollars. So let's look at the details that can help you ID your bag and get it into the right hands.
What To Inspect For: General Strengths Of Construction, Materials, And Fabric.
Those in the know will tell you that all good fake bags are made with synthetic materials rather than leather or even fabric. Leather is a natural product that wears out over time, becoming soft and lumpy in some areas but never completely thinning out. Synthetic materials are more uniform from bag to bag, and the fakes have a consistent and weighty heft.
When inspecting a bag for authenticity, you should be aware of the following signs of poor construction:
Zippers with plastic teeth that are too dark or too light—this is a hallmark of inexpensive hardware with little gold plating. The zipper pull may feel sticky or hard to reach when using it, and might not "snap" into place when closed properly. Canvas that looks thin and papery—the best canvas has just enough texture to give it body but doesn't look like material used in cheap upholstery. Foam handles that are too short and paper thin.
Synthetic materials are hard to mimic—they have a softer hand and a more uniform color with no dyes or glues used in the crafting process. When you see these signs, it's important to take note as the bag may not be what you think it is.
When inspecting a bag for authenticity, you should be aware of the following signs of poor construction: Zippers with plastic teeth that are too dark or too light—this is a hallmark of inexpensive hardware with little gold plating. The zipper pull may feel sticky or hard to reach when using it, and might not "snap" into place when closed properly.
So, look for these "tells" in the bag you are considering buying. If the bag passes these tests, it is likely a good purchase. These tests don't always apply to Louis Vuitton authentic canvas bags, but they are all good indicators of a fake:
Look for poor construction. Look for an uneven look with high-quality materials and craftsmanship. The same rules apply to any quality handbag that's handmade or made by a small company.
Look out for bad stitching or loose stitches on zippers, pockets, and other hardware components. Good stitching should be tight with consistent thread color and length (though some may still have the pull-tabs tied off in lieu of an actual thread).
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