Are You Stuck In A Fashion Statment


 Are You Stuck In  A Fashion Statment

I didn't know how to dress myself and I was at a point in my life where I just felt lost. I decided to finally ask for help. It really, really helped me to get out of that fashion rut.
I'm not saying you have to go and spend a ton of money on clothes before things will change, but when you're not sure what to wear or if this outfit is in style or not it can be very hard for the average person.
So, I asked a fashion designer/shop owner to help me break free from this fashion rut. He gave me some great advice. He said it's really all about following trends (at least on the surface) but make your outfit look unique so you will always stand out and be noticed in a good way.
You don't have to go out and buy a ton of clothes to impress people, you just need to put together outfits that fit into certain trends and then make sure that you try not to wear things that are overused.
The more simple your outfits are, the more attention you will get from men and other women (because they won't have anything bad to say about your style).
Here is a list of things you can do to make sure your outfits never become boring and always stick out:
1.   If you're not sure if something you want to wear will be in style, try to figure out if it has been overused and then try to make your outfit look different. You can do this by wearing it in a new style or with some new accessories. It's better to try something different than just sticking with the same thing that everyone else is wearing. Do not repeat outfits unless you are trying to show that your style has changed or if you want people to notice a change in your look.
2.   Keep possessions simple. Although keeping things simple is difficult when you're not sure what's in style, it is the best thing you can do to stand out and be unique. The more complicated your outfits are the less likely anyone will notice them. Things that look good up close may begin to look old after a while, but this shouldn't matter at all because your outfits should always be focused on what makes them unique and memorable.
3.   If you are going to wear something in a very new way, make sure that everyone can see the new style by wearing new accessories that have been around for a while or making it so that it looks like everyone else is wearing the same thing-which will make people pay more attention to you.
4.   If you are not sure if you should wear a shirt or not, make sure that it's very simple. You should never wear something that's hard to understand because this will make people think that you're not trying to impress them and they won't pay as much attention to your outfit as they would if it was simple and looked like everyone else was wearing the same thing.
5.   Do not try to go out of style unless you want your style to be copied by everyone else. It's much easier for people to notice an increase in popularity than it is for them to notice a decrease in popularity.

It is really hard to know what to wear and be completely stuck in a fashion rut, but if you can get help from a local fashionable designer, this will make the process of breaking free from that fashion rut easier. You don't have to go and spend a ton of money on clothes to break free, but if you want people to notice you then you should try not to repeat outfits and make sure your outfits are memorable.
Art by jenminzy
To conclude, I will say that it is very hard for people not knowing what they are doing when it comes to making sure their outfits are in style and make them stand out.

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