Are you having a hard time getting traffic to your new website?


 Are you having a hard time getting traffic to your new website?

If you've just finished your first website or blog, and it's still not getting the traffic you were hoping for, it might be time to reevaluate the sources of free traffic that are available to you. Take a look at these top-notch options and see what works best for your website. You may even have noticed by now that organic search results aren't exactly returning the kind of results you'll find here. In fact, they're often about as effective as fly paper: they attract every last spider in existance, then send them all diving underneath your content to find nary a single visitor.

While each of these suggestions will help you increase your traffic, it's important to keep in mind that the big, meaty search engine results are reserved for websites with large-scale advertising and promotion budgets. And that's where it really counts: the dollars. If you can't spend money, be prepared for a slow climb up the ladder.
How to Get Free Traffic with Social Media Sites
Make a list of social media sites where you'd like to post your content (Twitter and Facebook are great places), and sign up for free accounts. Choose the ones that are most relevant to your website's content. These social media sites tend to attract a certain type of user, and you want to be sure you're connecting with the right one. If you're blogging about knitting, for example, look for an active knitting group on Facebook. Once you've chosen your social media sites, it's time to get into the action!
While this probably seems like a no-brainer, most blogs don't take advantage of this simple strategy. Simply commenting on other blogs is a fantastic way to build relationships and trust with new users, while simultaneously increasing traffic to your own website or blog. The best way to do this is to sign up for a free blog commenting service (there are plenty out there), and then start leaving comments. You can also use Google Alerts, RSS feeds, and other tools to keep track of popular blogs, which can be used as a nice supplement to your own site.
How to Get Free Traffic with Forums
Websites that allow you to post content must deal with comments from their members. If people are leaving useful comments on your site, you ought not ignore them. Instead of ignoring the offers for help you get, leave them a comment thanking the person for his or her offer of assistance and follow up with some kind of contact in the future. You can't be too picky about the kind of help you seek, but if it has anything to do with your readers you should respond to it at least.
How to Get Free Traffic with Link Exchange Programs
Most content management systems allow users to share links to their websites. You might have seen a link from your own site in someone else's blog comments, or be one of the people who posted links on other sites. This can be a great way for new visitors to find you when they're searching online.
Many people think that these links are better than "real" backlinks, but in reality they're just as good. These links can be seen by anyone, so they don't have any advantage over spammy links. The only difference is the weight of authority of the site that the link connects to, so it's up to you how many unpaid clicks you want in your account.
How to Get Free Traffic with Guest Posts
In addition to posting blog comments on other websites and building relationships with other bloggers, you can post a guest post or two on popular sites where you want more traffic. This is an excellent way to gain even more exposure for your site if you have good content and your blog provides value for others.


The trick to getting free traffic to your website is to create content that people want. When you've done that, you must find ways to get people to visit it. It's hard work, but we know you can do it if you have the proper drive. If your site is still not getting the results you want, give these suggestions a try and see if they can help. There are some great strategies out there, and we're sure one of them will help you build your audience whether they come for free or not. - Free traffic for real estate sites:

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