A Free Online Business Is Not Necessarily "Free"
The expenses that come with starting a business are numerous but successful entrepreneurs know to take advantage of many opportunities. Starting an online business can be a lot easier than you might think, especially when you consider that many companies provide free access to their products and services. But just because something is free doesn't mean it's risk-free — there are ways to guarantee your success that don't cost anything at all! In fact, in our blog posts today we're going to teach you how to start an ecommerce store for free, and then how to use the power of social media marketing for your own profit-making endeavors.
Free Online Business Not Necessarily Free is a blog post by Lindsey O'Rourke, the founder of The Branding Bureau. She specializes in branding strategies and is the author of "Brand Yourself: The Ultimate Proven System for Creating Brand awareness, Making Money, and Building a Positive Online Image." You can read her full profile with bio and more information about her at http://www.brandingbureau.net/about-lindsey/
The Branding Bureau's logo at http://www.brandedbylindsey.com/branding-bureau/
Lindsey's previous blog post, Free Internet Marketing Plan for Start-Ups that Pay is a must-read! [ARTICLE CONTINUES UNTIL NEXT PAGE]
Be sure to check out more articles from Lindsay O'Rourke at http://www.brandedbylindsey.com/tagged/free-online-business-not-necessarily-free . Her blog posts are excellent examples of how entrepreneurs can find ways to make a profit without investing actual money in their business.
You'll also enjoy her personal blog, titled Law & Lindsey at http://www.brandedbylindsey.com/law-lindsey/ . On this blog, Lindsey takes a look at some of the legal issues facing individual entrepreneurs and how to navigate them in order to avoid mistakes.
You can contact Lindsey directly via email: lorourke@brandingbureau.net . You can also follow The Branding Bureau on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Branding-Bureau-LLC/239930838243664 .
Tags: blog, Business, ecommerce, Free Online Business Not Necessarily Free, free online marketing plan for start-ups that pay
Posted by Joy Johnston at 4:34 PM
Gorgeous article. The Branding Bureau is an excellent resource for online marketing and branding advice. I love your site and all of your content! Reply Delete
Thank you Joy! We're glad you like it! Reply Delete
Excellent article. Nice to know that some things can be free. Nothing ventured nothing gained. Thanks for sharing your insight with us. Looking forward to more great articles from you.
Here are the 10 best apps for blogging, writing and content management. There are many other tools and services that can be used to increase your productivity. You will enjoy blogging more if you use the tools that your blogger self would like to use. I also recommend building a relationship with a good web hosting company and making sure that you have a secure WordPress login page and access to your site's database by using FTP credentials regularly. A web host is not necessarily going to be an advertising network or provide any other services but they will host your site on their servers so that people can see it on the internet.
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