8 Great Gift Ideas For Your Boss This New Year


 8 Great Gift Ideas For Your Boss This New Year

Even though the holidays are over, the year is not yet done. And if you have a boss, you know that it’s your duty to get them a present. But what should you get for them?

In this post, we give you 8 great ideas for your boss this new year. We cover some basic guidelines to follow when approaching a boss gift, as well as giving you some actual ideas of things to buy. Have fun picking something out and take a minute to reflect on the year that went by!

-Air plants -A nice pen -A sweater that's their favorite color -Socks -Coffee beans or coffee mug from their favorite coffee shop -A thoughtful card with a $10 Starbucks gift card inside. -A nice framed picture of your company

-A simple plant you potted together

1. Consider their likes and dislikes. This may seem like common sense, but it’s important that you avoid giving something that is going to make them uncomfortable. For example, if your boss is a woman who works at an office with only women, she will probably be very uncomfortable with receiving a gift card for some men’s underwear from Victoria’s Secret. The same goes for any kind of product or service they wouldn’t be interested in using themselves. You can also consider what hobbies they have that you may have seen them doing outside of work hours. Get them something they love! 2. Consider the time of year. Make sure you think about the season in which you want to give them a gift is. Is it Winter or Spring? If you get them a sweater for winter, they may get cold, and will not appreciate getting something that’s too hot. If you get them a sweater for spring, one that’s made out of light material, they may get too hot and uncomfortable. 3. Take into consideration their family situation when it comes to giving gifts. If your boss is divorced or married and has a family, it’s important to know what they have and what they don’t. If you get them something that their kids would like, they will probably not appreciate it. Get them something that they can use in their home/office and not out of it, if possible. 4. Think about the kind of lifestyle they lead. Do you work in a more casual environment? Or do you work in a business-casual one? If the former, then get them something casual that will make them feel comfortable at the office, such as a sweater or pair of socks. If the latter, then do not get them something that will make them look informal at the office. I personally cannot stand wearing jeans to work, but if it’s required or expected of me, I don’t complain. Don’t forget that they can also give you a gift in return. 5. If you want to really impress them, get them something that can be used and appreciated in the office! Many people have given their bosses yoga mats and other things for their desks. This is not only a great gift, but will also make you look like a boss! 6. Think about your budget. Although it is a really sweet gesture to get your boss something that they can use even if they can’t afford it themselves, this doesn't mean that you need to get them something expensive.


Hopefully you have some good ideas for buying a gift for your boss. The main thing to remember is that you want to get them something that they will really enjoy and makes them feel good. Be sure to carefully consider the office environment, and your budget when deciding what to get them.

Did I miss any ideas? If so, please, don’t hesitate to share below! I hope that everyone has a great year! Cheers! -Renee Renee Holloway is a writer for Giftah , which was founded by one of our members here at  Giftah  in hopes of continuing the discussion about giving, receiving, and appreciating gifts on the internet. You can follow her on Google+ .

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