7 Ways to Grow Flowers


 7 Ways to Grow Flowers

Flowers are such a beautiful thing, aren't they? But even though they come in so many different colors and shapes, each with its own unique personality, there's still an incredible amount of variety out there. Just like humans! If you want to grow flowers in your garden this spring, here are 7 tips on how to do so!

1. Plant Flowers in Your Garden

This is the most obvious and easiest way to grow flowers: just plant them like you would any other vegetable or fruit. You'll probably need to dig a little bit of dirt up from the ground for that purpose — but don't worry about it if you're not the neatest person alive. Just take a peek at this guy.

Source: http://www.buzzfeed.com/animalpants/the-groom-is-here#.v6qrjtBn5M

But if you do want your garden to be tidy and neat, I recommend setting aside one morning just for gardening and tidying, then letting the rest of the week (and your weekends) be free days for more important things! That way you'll have an orderly garden and still have time for fun stuff like watching TV or hanging out with friends. Good luck!

2. Grow Flowers in a Pot

If you're the kind of person who likes to travel around and see different places — hey, not everyone can afford vacations, after all! — you might want to grow flowers in a pot. You can fill it with soil and plant some seeds in it and move it from place to place with you! And if flowers give off a nice smell as they do while growing, your entire house will be full of the most refreshing scent. Great luck!

3. Grow Flowers in Your Backyard or Front Yard

If you're never going to leave your house again for any reason at all, maybe consider growing flowers in your backyard or front yard (if there is one). You don't have to look at them if you don't want to, but you can still smell them even if you're inside. Plus, they'll be there when you get back. Good luck!

4. Grow Flowers in a Vase

Have you ever tried to grow flowers in a vase? It's hard, but it can be done — all you need is some wild imagination and lots of patience and care! Or just buy some fresh flowers from the store instead. They don't last as long as plants will, but they're pretty enough while they do last! Good luck!

5. Grow Flowers in the Back of a Car

Have you ever tried to grow flowers in the back of a car? It's hard, but it can be done — all you need is some wild imagination and lots of patience and care! Or just buy some fresh flowers from the store instead. They don't last as long as plants will, but they're pretty enough while they do last! Good luck!

6. Grow Flowers on Other People (But Don't)

If you're going to grow flowers, you might as well grow them on somebody else! But remember: this is just for fun. You should always ask permission before growing flowers on other people, and if they say no then don't do it.


If you've ever grown flowers before, comment your favorite type of flowers below!

7 Ways to Grow Flowers (or How To Grow Flowers)
A Guide to Growing Flowers from Petal to Bloom
Flowers can be pretty hard to grow, even though they look so easy. Most people who don't know much about growing flowers will throw them in the ground and then just let nature take its course. But this doesn't always work out; sometimes the ground is too hard or not soft enough for a good plant bed, and sometimes there are bugs or animals that eat all of your seeds before they can sprout.

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