7 Ways To Ensure Your Article *Never* Gets Used By Other Webmasters


 7 Ways To Ensure Your Article *Never* Gets Used By Other Webmasters

If you're a website owner, chances are that you've written an article about something and then promptly forgotten it. It's easy to write an article about a new topic or product when you find out the hard way that nobody is talking about it: nobody but your competitor!

In order to ensure that your article *never* gets used by other webmasters, try these 7 effective methods. Follow these tips closely and there will be no question in anyone's mind as to whether they can use your content or not!

**You can also add image for this section. If your article is more than 500 words, ie. 2000 words long

When you write an article for your website, always make sure that it includes a whole lot of junk. A whole lot of filler about product comparison, or how to do things, or a bunch of terms that you've just made up and want to be sure that nobody else uses them because it's all about "branding". In short: good content.

Make sure that your article has no structure and wanders aimlessly through the topics from one thing to the next without any rhyme or reason. That way, when someone else tries to use your article, they'll run into dead ends and won't be able to make sense of your content.

Make sure that your article doesn't have any links. In fact, make sure that the whole page is one big link back to your own site. If other people want to read it, they should start by bookmarking the page in their browser -- and then never open it again.

Make sure that you've included a whole lot of links back to your own website. I don't mean just the sidebar: I mean the article itself. Tell your readers that if they're going to use it, they should hit up a link on *every* page! The more the better!

Make sure that your article only consists of "inspirational" quotes taken from other people's content. If you have to write a whole lot of content and footnotes it with equally wordy content, then people will be saying "wow, this guy is pretty intelligent". Ha!

Again, make sure that the article contains absolutely no useful information to your readers. Instead of fleshing out the topics and covering them thoroughly, use long winded paragraphs that go on and on about how you feel about what happened or how that products meets your perfect personal needs. Make sure that your article has no statistical information whatsoever -- because there's nothing more useless than statistics.

Basically: write dumb articles all of which are clearly copied from other websites. Then, put up a whole bunch of ads on it. Profit!

Before you get started, make sure that you have a catchy name for your website. If it's not catchy enough, it won't stick with readers -- in fact, it will usually be ignored entirely. Here's a list of 7 good names to use:

1. BetterInternetForMe.com - Always get better internet for $0!

2. SecureYourWay.com - Secure Your Web Browsing! Safe and secure web browsing using Firefox!!

3. OfficalYahooSupportBot - Official Yahoo Support Website Bot

4. LakerFanAboutToDieWallpaperBot - Laker Fan About To Die Wallpaper Bot

5. SlurpeeBot - Yes, you are a bot with a soda maker on your head. Listen up!

6. YahooBots - Yahoo BOTs (B ots t hat speak)

7. BotKnockOff - Fake Facebook Page to make your life easier!

Make sure that you pick a random image to use for the background of your website. A good one is a picture of a giraffe with a big ass.

If you can get the name of your website mentioned on another popular website, then you have finally reached the level of success. Here are 7 ways to make this happen:

1. Buy The Blog! - If your site is better than the other blog, and if it has lots and lots of traffic -- pick your own domain name (I'd go with "Yahoo") -- then you've just been bought out by Yahoo! You now have an official "official" website that has existed since 2002 -- all because it was better than someone else's blog. If this works for you, then do it!

2. Flick to Page 2 - If you're the first site in a list of 10, don't be shy! Any time that someone clicks on your blog, and then clicks on a link to the next page -- let it go. Let the next website claim their one click.

3. Submit Your Content to 20,000 Sites! - If you're not big enough for Google Maps or Yahoo's main page and are just starting out -- get a free account at http://submitwebmastercontent.com/ . This places your content everywhere -- even on other people's blogs!

4. Hang Out With The Big Dogs - If your site is so good that you're hanging around with the big dogs, then you might as well have them vouch for your service. Here's an idea: why not commission a blog from someone who writes about all this stuff? You'll get free content and they'll get a free blog.

5. Make Your Own 2nd Page - If you're first page of Google just isn't doing enough, then take matters into your own hands! Make it so that the second page of Google is actually a web page on your website -- but don't forget to waste some bandwidth by making it look like an exact replica of the first page. Ha!



Make sure that you have a catchy name for your website. If it's not catchy enough, it won't stick with readers -- in fact, it will usually be ignored entirely. Here's a list of 7 good names to use:

1. BetterInternetForMe.com - Always get better internet for $0!

2. SecureYourWay.com - Secure Your Web Browsing! Safe and secure web browsing using Firefox!!

3. OfficalYahooSupportBot - Official Yahoo Support Website Bot

4. LakerFanAboutToDieWallpaperBot - Laker Fan About To Die Wallpaper Bot


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