5 Ways To Improve Your Adsense Earnings
Google's Adsense provides one of the largest sources of income for many websites. Unfortunately, getting noticed by Google can be difficult, and there are a few simple things you can do to improve your earnings. This article will go over what you should be focusing on if you want to make more money from your adsense account.
#1: Focus on Quality Content
The first tip is to focus on quality content. Google wants people who speak highly of their website and provide good content. When people are searching for information in Google and come across your website with adsense ads, they will click your link because they trust that it will help them find something useful — whether or not that relates to whatever keyword they were searching for initially.
#2: Get Better Titles
The second main tip is get better titles. The title is what people see when they are looking for information on Google, which leads to ad clicks. If your title contains too many keywords or doesn't give the reader enough information to make an informed decision, then they will not click to read the article — thus decreasing your ad revenue.
#3: Create Useful Articles
The third tip that will increase your income from adsense is to create useful articles. People will often look for a specific topic online, then search Google for links about that topic and find one of your articles listed at the top of their search results. When they see this, they will click on the ad and receive more information.
#4: Get Better Content
The fourth tip is to create better content. You need to make sure your articles include the most useful information about the topic that you are discussing, and make it easy for people to use your links in their own blog posts. If you aren't making money from adsense, then you should be creating content that actually helps people. Don't just write something just because it's an easy way to get an article published or helps you sound smart. If you're not making money from adsense, then it shouldn't be considered important enough to write about.
#5: Improve Your Meta Information
The last tip is to improve your meta information. The meta information is what appears on the page below your title and links. It consists of an image, a headline, and a description. This should contain enough useful information for people interested in clicking on the ad to know if it's something they want to see or not. If you aren't making money from adsense, then this article might be able to help you understand how some of these concepts work together.
#Best of luck!
Bethany Kimball is a blogger, book reviewer, and freelance writer with a passion for all things creative. Her blog, The Blogosphere , brings you the method to the madness of her blog posts, reviews, and other published works. You can learn more about Bethany Kimball on Google+. Copyright © 2011 by Bethany Kimball. All rights reserved.
Posted by Joanna Penn at 10:30 AM 1 comment: https://joannapenn.com/2011/06/05/5-ways-to-improve-your-adsense-earnings/#comments
Sorry for interrupting your reader participation on this post today, but I'm putting up a new poll ... I'm trying out a new way to manage my newsletter list. It's called AWeber and it allows me to send out short email messages to my readers instead of detailed newsletters that you get from MailChimp or Constant Contact. This also gives me the ability to ask you a question or have an interaction with you without filling your inbox up with extra messages. So here's the deal ... I'm giving away some copies of my book, The Fire Starter Sessions: A Guide To Creating Success on Your Own Terms for free. All you have to do is Click here to download the book as a PDF. Then, if you like it, send me a message on Twitter or Facebook and tell me what you love most about it. I'll randomly pick two people who comment on my blog and send them the book for free. So please click on the link above and give the book a try ... then come back here and leave me a comment! And of course, you're welcome to share this post with your friends.
Posted by Joanna Penn at 11:45 AM 2 comments: https://joannapenn.com/2011/06/08/free-book-giveaway/#comments
Carolyn Kaufman asks: "How can I get in touch with you?" Excellent question, Carolyn! One of the most common questions I receive is, "How can I get in touch with you?" There are a few ways to do this. First, if you have a question about your own freelance writing career, please post it on my Google Group . You can either add your question to the forum thread or start a separate thread. Questions that are specific to you and your own writing career will be answered first. If you have a general question about how to start a freelance writing business or blog, then please post it in my Facebook Fan Page group . I visit the group at least once a day and answer questions posted there. If you'd like to be kept up-to-date with my latest news, blog posts, tips from other freelancers or if you want to get notices of interviews I've done then please subscribe to my Joanna Penn Articles RSS feed . You can choose whether you receive the full post or just the headlines. Joanna Penn also has an e-mail newsletter that she sends out from time to time. This is a great way to be sure that you don't miss a post on her blog and it's free too! If you'd like to receive those e-mails, please enter your name and email address below (and check off all three options). Thank you, Carolyn! Looking forward to hearing from you!
Posted by Joanna Penn at 11:45 AM 1 comments: https://joannapenn.com/2011/06/09/my-contacts/#comments
Harshitha writes: "I wanted to start a blog for my passion which is teaching. But I had no idea where to begin from." Hi Harshitha, thanks for writing in with your question! You're approaching this the right way ... with a niche that you're passionate about and something you can make a living at. It's always good to start your blog with something about which you are enthusiastic. If you're not yet sure what that is, then you might want to try to brainstorm a few ideas. Once you've done some brainstorming, then you can narrow down what you're passionate about. You could also read blogs written by other bloggers who are writing in your area of interest. That way, you can get an idea of what other bloggers do and it might spur an idea for how your blog could be different from theirs or something else that makes it special. You should try to come up with at least five ideas before taking the plunge. Happy blogging!
Posted by Joanna Penn at 10:30 AM 1 comments: https://joannapenn.
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