5 Bad & Lousy Words You Should Never Say In Your Salesletter


 5 Bad & Lousy Words You Should Never Say In Your Salesletter

Every time you say one of these below, your prospects stop listening and tune out. This is a list of words that you should not use in any sales letter.

1. Fit 
2. Never 
3. Almost 
4. Problem-Free 
5. Lose 

The wrong word choice can affect your credibility, product quality perception, and buying decision. The opposite words will help to build a positive image of your product.

Fit: Prospects don't want to feel they'll have to modify their lives, routine or schedule because of your solution. It's about the long term, so you might consider "adopt" instead. If it's a diet plan, for example, say "choose" instead of "fit in." They'll feel more in control that way. (This is different from "Doesn't FIT into your busy lifestyle," which is an approach I've seen work well).

Never: This is a tough one to ditch, but it's essential. It's a crutch word to build an outrageous promise into your letter. Modifiers like "often," "usually," or "rarely" are much more credible.

Almost: Watch out for words like this when you're writing. They imply your product might be good enough for some people, but not others. An example I've seen recently (in an MLM recruitment letter) said in its headline that it would teach people how they'd "almost certainly earn a six-figure income." In other words, the system is good… if you're one of the lucky 20 percent who makes it using it. This is a guarantee that's hard to build credibility into.

Problem-Free: Watch out for words like this, too. They imply you have all the answers and your prospects don't have anything to worry about. You don't want to promise "no problems," but instead say "great peace of mind."

Lose: It can be tempting to use this word in a sales letter, but it's not credible and your prospects will stop listening. Instead, use words like "avoid," "boost," or "stop." Don't make them feel they've got nothing to lose. Your buyers want peace of mind, not fear that they'll lose money.

See my sample sales letter, with some of these words replaced with more believable alternatives. Click here to see the PDF version.

P.S. You can try the same thing with "no risk," too. The idea is to replace "risky" with more positive words like "peace of mind," and "safe" with the more comfortable word like "predictable." Your prospects will thank you for it!

About the Author:  Marketing Wordsmith Mark Michalski has been in sales and marketing his entire career, but now writes for strategic communications at his  blog, Marketing Wordsmith Blog . He created this article as a part of his effort to help others craft effective sales letters.

Marketing Wordsmith Blog
Title: Are You Using A Content Management System (CMS) For Your Salesletters? [ARTICLE START] A content management system is a software solution that makes your business content more search engine friendly and is often used by big corporations. In fact, 72% of Fortune 500 companies use them. If you're not using one yet, you should consider it. A content management system is a software solution that makes your business content more search engine friendly and is often used by big corporations. In fact, 72% of Fortune 500 companies use them. If you're not using one yet, you should consider it.

Here's why you should use a content management system to improve your sales letters.
Two reasons 1. The content in your sales letter is becoming more important than ever, and 2. If you want to rank higher online because of the words you use in your sales letters, this article will show you how to do it. Your content will be better and more search engine friendly with the CMS 2. The content in your sales letter is becoming more important than ever, and 3.– If you want to rank higher online because of the words you use in your sales letters, this article will show you how to do it. Your content will be better and more search engine friendly with the CMS. It will also make your sales letter more professional because it's written the best way to do so.

If you're not using a content management system, you should be. To learn more about what it can do for you, read this article. Are You Using A Content Management System (CMS) For Your Salesletters?
P.S. If you enjoyed this post and want to receive helpful marketing tips on a regular basis, then share it with your friends or use the buttons below to subscribe via e-mail. Also, feel free to check out the Marketing Wordsmith Blog . For more information about the services I provide or to learn how you can become a marketing consultant for your company, click here .
About The Author: Mark has been in sales and marketing his entire career. He's a big fan of writing about marketing so that other people can learn from it. He wrote this article because he wanted others to take advantage of what it has to offer. This post is part of his effort to help others craft effective sales letters.
Website: Marketing Wordsmith Blog
Title: How To Get The Most Out Of Your Salesletter [ARTICLE START] When someone first asks me about writing a sales letter, I usually have to stop and think about it for a minute. While there are many differences between business-to-business or business-to-consumer sales letters, the basics are fairly consistent. With that in mind, here are the ten main points I follow when writing such a letter. They can be applied to any type of letter or advertisement and will help you get the most out of your salesletter. These tips can improve your marketing results by getting you more leads and turning those leads into paying customers.


As you can see, there are a lot of mistakes to avoid when writing a sales letter. If you want to sell more copies of your product, make your promotion work for you by mastering the strategies in this article. With a little hard work and research, you'll be able to write the kind of letter that gets attention and turns browsers into buyers.
When you're done reading this post, check out my other articles about sales letters on this site: How To Write A Sales Letter In 10 Easy Steps , avoiding the ten most common mistakes . . . and more. I've written about these things because I'm convinced that if people have better information about how to write effective copy, their marketing efforts will improve.

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