3 Simple Tips For Making Money Online Even If You Don’t Have Anything To Sell!


 3 Simple Tips For Making Money Online Even If You Don’t Have Anything To Sell!

If you're looking for a way to make money online but are not sure where to start, this post is perfect for you. 

Here are 3 simple ways to make money online:
-Selling your products: you may have heard of sites like Etsy or eBay where people can sell their goods. You can even list items on websites like Craigslist and Facebook Marketplace. 
-Affiliate marketing: if you have a website or blog, use our link when possible so we get a small commission (at no cost to you). You could also sign up as an affiliate with other companies through platforms like Humble Bundle. 
-The Side Hustle: this is an oldie but a goodie. For those with an online business, rely on the flow of traffic from your existing business. You can also offer your designer skills in exchange for gifts/items/favors that you would normally sell online. Or, do something creative for your friends and family and give them the proceeds.
-You can also start planning for specific ways to make money when you retire or take some time off work.
This video was a sponsored post.
I've just had another opportunity to review the Pass & Seymour Starter Kit (for blog), which I'd been wanting to test out for a while, as it's so different from any other kit that I've seen out there for beginners in blogging. As anyone who reads this blog knows,  my blog goes back nearly a decade already and I know what it's like to start out pretty much from scratch as this was 1994 when I started this blog. 
I wanted the kit because of the information that it covers - things that we can all learn from and be inspired by. Yes, I wanted to be inspired to start my blog from scratch again and that's exactly what this kit has done for me. 
As you'd expect, it comes with all of the basics - a nice looking website template that's easy to set up, a comprehensive ebook/guide that walks you through step-by-step on how to set up your blog and what's involved with hosting your blog in different places. It also comes with all the links you need to learn how to host your blog on WordPress so that it will work on WordPress.com or WordPress.org websites (as well as cPanel hosting if needed).
This is a complete starter kit and the website was easy to set up. I was able to download the software and get started with it within 4 hours (including having to learn how to use FTP). 
If you're considering setting up a blog, whether you need hosting or not, this is the starter kit for you. You won't know what's involved until you start, so having this resource available is extremely helpful. 
I liked that it was easy to understand - I wouldn't say that it's simplistic but it does cover everything from the beginning step of choosing a domain name all the way through creating posts - and there are some really useful reminders throughout. It was also quick to learn and easy to follow.
I would have given this product 5 stars on the review but I did have a slight issue with the software. While it was easy to follow and I could get it working quickly, I had a problem when I tried to add my own content. This came about because of my using a different site template - but if your blog uses WordPress' default templates then you shouldn't experience this problem.
This website teaches you how to create a beautiful website in 7-10 hours! Sign up for my email list at http://GetBeautifulWebsite.com 
I just want to share with you that you can make money blogging on WordPress really fast and easily if you know 'how'.

This is a program that will teach you how to become a blogger, make money and gives you every step of the way on creating your own blog.
In this article 7 great platforms, which allow you to create blogs, have been presented: Blogger, WordPress (default), Tumblr, Storify, Typepad, Posterous and Wordpress.com.
In publishing content on their sites it is possible to receive a few dollars for every post that you publish through Google AdSense (depending on the traffic) or sell advertising space in "news" columns (which means that the owner of the site earns money from each of these posts).

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