14 Ways To Persuade Your Web Site Visitors To Give You Their Email Address


 14 Ways To Persuade Your Web Site Visitors To Give You Their Email Address

The best way to grow your email list is by getting web site visitors to subscribe. Without an email address, you are effectively restricting your ability to communicate with them. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can persuade web site visitors to give up their email addresses that won't cost you a penny!

We've compiled 14 of the most powerful persuasion techniques and offer "how-to" tips for implementing them on your own website. By using these strategies, hopefully we'll see each other next year at the top of the marketing world!

1) Use A Relevant Offer or Discount When Asking for Their Email Address

2) Offer Exclusive Access To Future Content Through The Form Subscription Process (i.e. Ask Them For A Specific Format)

3) Ask For Their Email in a Timely Way (i.e. This Month's Newsletter is Incomplete Without You)

4) Find Out How Other Sites Are Using Forms To Gather Subscribers, And Model Them (i.e. Donation Requests, Search Boxes, etc.)

5) Offer To Save Customers Money By Automatically Notifying Them of Discounts Via Email (i.e. New Printer Cartridges Available!)

6) Show Off Your List With A Side-By-Side Comparison To Competitors' Queries (i.e. Get 50% More Value From Our Web Site)

7) Create a Catchy or Strange Subject Line As the Default Email Title for New Subscriber Emails (i.e. "Fruitcake Alert!")

8) Use an Email Signature in the Form of a Question That Encourages an Urgent Response (i.e., "How Many Times Have You Bought Something Just Like This From Another Company?")

9) Make the Web Site Feel Like It is a Part of Their Identity by Having Them Give You Their Name (i.e. "John Smith's Guide to Picking Up Girls on the Net")

10) Give an Exclusive Early Access Voucher (i.e. Fastest Way to Save Time When Chatting With Ex-Girlfriend)

11) Sign Up For a Service But Ask for Their Full Name and/or Email Address (i.e. Get Your Free New Television on DVD!)

12) Allow Two-Way Communication Using The Question Form (i.e., "How Much Are You Willing To Pay For Information That Will Help Me Improve My Dating Life?")

13) Use a Quiz to Move Them Through Each Step of the Form Subscription Process (i.e. Would You Rather Date a Transvestite Clown or a Badger?

14) Use an Email Signature to Mislead Them Into Thinking You Are Someone Else (i.e. And If You Want To Woodstock The Night Away With The Apple Dandy, Just Click Here!)


All of the above strategies are not guaranteed to work. Rather, they are merely ideas that some marketers have used with success in the past. Use these strategies at your own risk and always test each one on your actual Web Site before using them in their final form. Good Luck!

Source: MarketingSherpa - Internet Marketing: E-Mail Strategies for Business Growth , http://www.


This is by no means even close to covering everything you need to know about email marketing. It's just the basics and nothing more. In my opinion, this is the one of the most powerful forms of marketing available today. Not only will it help you with your general internet marketing, it will also help you build relationships with your customers that are priceless.

Source: http://www.articlealley.com/article_638904_23.

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