12 Free SEO Tools You Must Use.


 12 Free SEO Tools You Must Use.

Your SEO strategy is only as strong as the tools you use, so don't stop here. Keep exploring the 13 best WordPress plugins for SEO, 10 best social media tools for SEO, and 18 awesome web design tips for more info!

You don’t have to be a search engine optimization expert to know that your SEO strategy is only as strong as the tools you use. So if you want to get ahead in this competitive world where rankings are everything then be sure not to forget these 12 Free SEO Tools You Must Use.

1. Google AdWords Keyword Tool

Google's free keyword tool provides advertisers with up to 100 suggestions, related keywords, and search volume data for the selected phrase. When you enter a phrase or choose from the options available you will get instant results and even a graph of your results. Not only can marketers use this tool on their own websites but it can be used to promote products or services from affiliate sites or blogs.

2. Google Analytics

You don’t have to install an analytics plugin on your website in order to collect information about your site’s traffic because Google has its own analytics platform that can be accessed without any plugins at all. Google Analytics allows you to track your website’s traffic and gives you a detailed report of all of the information that’s available to you on a daily basis. There are even mobile apps available for Android phones or tablets so that you can keep your finger on the pulse no matter where you are.

3. Google Trends

Google Trends is another great free tool from the search engine giant that allows users to see trending topics across different categories such as news, websites, health, real estate, travel and top queries. It will display an easy-to-read chart graph and the amount of searches over a period of time. You can also compare search volume trends with related search terms in order to discover long tail keywords.

4. Google Webmaster Central

Google Webmaster Central is the place to go for all of your webmaster needs. Whether you want to know what Google thinks about your site, you need Google’s help in fixing something on your website, or you want information about specific errors that can affect your site’s ranking, then this is the place to go. There are different sections available for issues such as “Crawling and Indexing,” “Fetch as Google," "Quality Guidelines" and "Punishing Sites That Abuse the System."

5. Followerwonk by Moz

Followerwonk by Moz has been described as a "Twitter analytics tool on steroids.” Not only can you analyze any user's Twitter account and even their followers but this amazing tool allows you to find influencers, examine bios, find the best time to tweet or identify your top followers. It also identifies which of your tweets are most popular, recommends other people for you to follow and even provides a list of people who unfollowed you.

6. SEO Quake

SEO Quake is another free Google spreadsheet tool that’s available for download in order to help optimize your website or blog. The SEO Quake sheet can be used as a smartphone app or for desktop use so that you can view your site’s freedom score, which gives webmasters important information about how Google views their site.


These 12 Free SEO Tools You Must Use are just a sampling of the tools that are out there that can be helpful when it comes to improving your website’s search engine rankings and getting people to view your site. There’s no reason that every webmaster shouldn’t avail themselves of the opportunity to take advantage of these free tools so they can put their best foot forward individually or as a brand.

Author Bio:
David Verba is a content manager, SEO specialist, and professional blogger. He currently writes for an online marketing agency, which helps businesses find success online with its SEO services . His articles have been published on several websites and blogs. Follow him on Google+.

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