10 ways to get more visitors to your website


 10 ways to get more visitors to your website

10 ways to get more visitors to your website

1. Optimize for Google Search
· Add keywords on your site that people search for so you can be found in the rankings
2. Improve Site Security and Performance
· Ensure your site is running smoothly and safe from viruses and other damaging software before posting it online, while also making sure that you are seeing the best performance possible with a few simple tweaks 
3. Use Social Media
· Have a profile on all the most popular social networking sites and use them to connect with likeminded people that will visit your site
4. Submit to Directories and Blogs within your Niche
· Submit your site to directories and blogs, making sure that you offer something for them in return, like a blog post or answers to their questions
5. Create an RSS Feed and Email Marketing
· Design an RSS feed for your site so that it is updated automatically, or create an email marketing campaign so you can send out new posts as they are published on your website without having to add them when someone visits the site directly.
4. Add a Blog
· Add a blog on your site with interesting and engaging content so that people visit your site regularly to check for new posts
6. Use Infographics
· Create infographics, or information graphics, that are about one topic that you know well, like SEO. They will be attractive to other sites and will be shared far more than normal text articles are
7. Offer a Freebie in exchange for joining a newsletter or mailing list
· Create something like an ebook or other freebie in exchange for someone joining your newsletter so you can contact them with updates and links to new posts on your website (this is great for SEO)
8. Add a Blog or Site Map
· Add a blog or site map directly to the front of your website so people can find your other content easily
9. Build a Community
· Encourage comments on your site with a comment system, and respond to them with kind words and encourage people to join your forum or community, as this will help you get new visitors who are interested in what you have to say
10. Do Not Forget About Social Media
· Remember that social media is still extremely important for getting traffic to your site. Get on all the major ones and join their groups and post interesting content for others to read

2. Improve Site Security and Performance
The first hundred visitors are crucial to your website, but beyond that your traffic will drop off dramatically, if you aren't running it smoothly and keeping it safe from viruses. Also, once you've got a fairly large audience on your site, search engine optimization is very important. Here's how to keep your site from becoming a money pit:
· Optimize Your Web Hosting for Speed and Security
· Use a good web hosting provider like Bluehost or HostGator in order to ensure that the site is as fast as possible while also ensuring that it is secure and safe from viruses.
· Use Site Speed Test Tools
· There are several different tools online that let you test your website to make sure that it is running as smoothly as possible on the server. If there are any problems, you can easily fix them.
· Remove Unnecessary Widgets, Plugins and CSS Files
· If you've added extra features to your site that aren't being used, they will be slowing it down and potentially causing problems. Keep a close eye on what's being used and what isn't and remove anything that isn't needed.
· Clean Your Site
· Check your site for duplicate and outdated images, graphics, forms and files such as javascript. If you've linked to other sites too often or use their graphics, referrer logs are likely to be filling up with traffic from these sites. Remove the code, move it to a new page and update the links
3. Use Social Media to Boost Traffic 
Social media is changing the marketing landscape forever. There are some great tools out there now that can help you with social media advertising, from Facebook Ads and Google AdWords to Twitter Ads and more.
Here are a few ways to use social media to boost traffic:
• Going viral with video clips!  You can easily upload a short video clip to YouTube and then share it on Twitter and Facebook. People love the videos, and they end up sharing them all over the place, which boosts your visitors by getting your video out there. So get creative and make some great videos.
• Ask for Likes!  Just like with ads, you can ask people to Like your page, your blog post or your page in a specific niche. This will start to increase the number of people that visit your page to see what they have liked, and they will like it!
• Ask for Comments!  If you're running a blog or website, make sure you leave comments on other blogs or websites. People love getting recommendations from others when it comes to their favorite restaurants, new movies and events. Be nice and comment on other people's blog posts or websites, and you'll get more traffic from all the people who comment on your post.
• Engage with your visitors!  Whether you're running a blog or just posting content online, encourage comments and talk back to your visitors. They'll love getting a response, and they will come back to your site to see what else you have to say.
• Post on Social Media  Find all the top social media websites and you should post new content to each one regularly. If someone loves your videos or posts, they are likely to share them across the entire website for tons of traffic
4. Add Current Events and Video Clips
People want fresh content, so make sure that you have something new on your site every week or so. You can easily start with just adding current events and video clips from popular TV shows such as the Daily Show with John Stewart. The trick is to have something that's interesting, fun but also serious and relevant.
5. Posting Quotes on Social Media
If you're writing a blog, be sure to keep some good quotes on it. People love quotes and will check your site for them every day or so which can boost your traffic even more if they like what you have to say.

There are many ways to get and keep traffic coming to your site. You can use these tips and tricks to get more traffic!
– Tips from Matthew Trensch, a SEO expert at Geeks for Geeks
For more information on getting free blog posts for your website visit these sites:
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