10 Reasons Why People Fail At Internet Marketing


 10 Reasons Why People Fail At Internet Marketing

If you've ever been trying to start an online business, or just need a refresher on what not to do when you're trying to grow your internet marketing career, then this blog post is for you. The following list will give you some of the most irritating reasons why people fail at their online business - and it will hopefully make things a little easier for everyone!

10 Reasons Why People Fail At Internet Marketing

1. Ignoring Regulations
The only way to avoid running into problems with legal issues and legislation is by knowing what's expected of your industry. For instance, if you're a travel agent in New York, then you need to register your business as an agent with the state. In California it's a little different; you'll need to register in the county where your company is based, and then apply for an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN). But what's this have to do with online marketing strategies? It all comes down to keeping abreast of regulations. Don't forget about them!

2. Lack Of Passion
This point could be number one on the list if being passionate wasn't such a big deal in internet marketing. Your level of motivation is going to determine how much success and happiness you have as an online entrepreneur. It's all about doing what you love and loving what you do!

3. No Education
In order to start an online consulting business, you'll need to have a background in information technology. This idea can sound scary, but there are tons of free online courses available that will help guide you through the process. For example, I took a free course on HTML on Udemy and it was exactly what I needed at the time.

4. Ignoring The Competition
Ignoring your competition is a surefire way to lose business. You see, Internet marketers are fierce competitors, and it's in our nature to keep our market share as high as possible. If you're not doing anything about your competitors then they'll be the ones that take away most of your customers. Just because one company is successful and has been doing business for 10 years doesn't mean that things won't change in the future.

5. Not Having Something Unique To Offer
This point sort of ties in with the last one, but it's a little different. Let me explain - you need to offer something truly unique when you're creating an internet marketing strategy for your online business. The product or service that you provide needs to be relevant and unique. It needs to be something that people are familiar with - that way they'll know what they're getting before they order it. If the product is too vague or confusing, then some people might get confused about what it is exactly that you're selling, and they might not even bother trying it out.

6. Not Honing In On Your Niche
If your niche isn't exactly what you're looking for, then you'll probably find it difficult to get traction. You'll start off going the wrong way and won't be able to correct your course for quite some time. Instead of doing this, you should spend some time narrowing down the specific area within your industry that you want to be in. Don't just pick a general category like "internet marketing" - instead think about a niche that has a lot of buzz around it right now. Picking an actual niche like "online marketing" is basically the same as picking a general category like "marketing".

7. Not Knowing What To Say
Once you've identified what your niche is, it's time to start writing! You'll need a lot of content for your website so that people know what you're about. But don't just write "about" topics - instead, write "for" topics. This means that instead of saying "about travel", name your article "10 destinations in Europe". It's about the reader, not you. The most successful writers on the internet have one thing in common: they know exactly what they're talking about. They didn't take an online course in internet marketing because they didn't need it. They knew what they were talking about, and their readers were aware of it too.

8. Not Having An Authority Site To Start With
One of the things you need to know when you're creating your website is that you need an authority site that will do all the work for you. Remember how I said that people need to know what they're getting before they get it? Well, when they see how reputable your website is, they'll be much more willing to buy as a result. You don't even have to be an internet marketing guru - in fact, it's better if you aren't! What you should do is have a website with some sort of authority in whatever niche your business is in. You can do this by writing on your own website as well as other authority sites like EzineArticles.com.

9. Using Outdated Technology
The biggest mistake I made when I first started my business was thinking that all the technology would stay the same and that I wouldn't have to learn anything new. The reason why this ends up being a problem is because things will change whether you like it or not, and it's best to be prepared for it. For example, Google has the ability to determine if your website is mobile friendly or not. If you have a mobile responsive website, you'll rank higher in the search results. But if your site isn't responsive then you can kiss a bunch of business goodbye!

10. Not Using Negative Keywords
You might have heard about negative keywords before, but what do they mean exactly and where are they used? Basically, these are words that will pull your site further down the search results list for whatever keywords you've chosen. Luckily, there are some free tools like Moz's Keyword Explorer that can help you out here. The idea is to find more keywords and then add them to your list of negative keywords. Check out Moz's blog post on how to use negative keywords here.

11. Not Having A Targeted Niche
You're doing yourself a big disservice if you don't keep your niche in mind when you're creating your website. When you're crafting your title and content, make sure that this particular niche is the main focus of your website. This will help you understand what the readers are looking for when they visit, and it will also boost your search results. You should always be working to increase search engine rankings when it comes to internet marketing as well as SEO.



You've made it to the end of this article. I hope that you found it useful, and please feel free to leave a comment letting me know what you think. I'm still learning as much as I can about internet marketing, so if you have any questions or tips feel free to leave a comment or ask me on my Facebook page.

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