10 Reasons Why People Don't Visit Your Web Site


 10 Reasons Why People Don't Visit Your Web Site

The following is a list of ten reasons why people don't visit your web site.

1. You do not provide enough information about what your business or organization does and how they can benefit from you...2. Your website needs to be more mobile friendly3. Your website has design issues which make it hard to navigate4. Your website only provides information in text, no pictures5. The page length makes the site difficult to read or follow6. The copy is wordy and difficult to understand7. You have too many ads on your website8. Your website is difficult to find on search engines9. You or your organization has not updated the information since you launched your website10. Your website looks too much like everyone else's...

Reference: http://www.inc.com/guides/2010/11/top-10-reasons-people-dont-visit-your-web-site.html
All information is based on my experience as a small business owner and is not to be construed as investment, legal or tax advice and you should consult a professional in these areas before making any decision. Please feel free to comment or contact me directly at the following email address : marianne@buysellbusinessesguide.com .
"Do not be afraid of mistakes. Learn from them. And then learn some more." -- Robert Greenleaf
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for educational purposes only and may not be legally binding. It is offered as a service to clients and friends who might be interested in learning about how to start, grow or sell a business. The name of the author, Marianne Keene, has been used with permission from her parents' book, The Buy Sell Business , ( HarperBusiness / William Morrow ) . To learn more about business buying/selling/partnering read the book or visit www.buysellbusinessesguide.com .
Marianne Keene is the CEO of BuySellBusinessesGuide.com, a business guide that provides small businesses with practical information about starting, growing and selling their business. Visit http://www.buysellbusinessesguide.com/ or email marianne@buysellbusinessesguide.com .
Note: This list is based on my own experience and may not be solely representative of any particular situation or person's experience. If you have questions about this list please feel free to contact me directly at the following e-mail address : marianne@buysellbusinessesguide.com .
10 Reasons Why People Don't Visit Your Website:
1. You Do Not Provide Enough Information About What Your Business or Organization Does and How They Can Benefit From You...
2. Your Web Site Needs to be More Mobile Friendly...
3. Your Web Site Has Design Issues Which Make It Hard to Navigate...
4. Your Web Site Only Provides Information in Text, No Pictures...
5. The Page Length Makes the Site Difficult to Read or Follow...
6. The Copy is Wordy and Difficult to Understand...
7. You Have Too Many Ads on Your Website… (please note that this can happen if you have many visitors)....(not all sites need ads!)....8.

As you can see most of the problems are very easy to fix and I would encourage you to read through the rest of this article because in the following section I have a solution that will match your specific situation.
9. You Or Your Organization Has Not Updated the Information Since You Launched Your Website...
10. Your Web Site Looks Too Much Like Everyone Else's...
Please feel free to contact me directly at the following e-mail address : marianne@buysellbusinessesguide.com .
"Do not be afraid of mistakes. Learn from them. And then learn some more.

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