10 Questions You Should Answer Before Building An Internet Business


 10 Questions You Should Answer Before Building An Internet Business

It's a daunting task to build an Internet business. So many factors come into play: what are you best at? What problem are you solving? Who will your customers be? These are just some of the many questions that plague every entrepreneur. And while there is never a 100% foolproof answer to any of these questions, there ARE some things that anyone considering building an Internet business should ask themselves early on in the process.
What is your primary goal for starting an Internet business? Do you want to make money? If so, how much and over what timeframe? Or are you just setting out to build something that will be profitable over time? Are you looking for a way to share your passion with the world? Or do you find business fascinating in and of itself? Every website is different, and knowing why you're building yours will help guide its development.
By far the most critical part of building an Internet business around a product or service. What is it you're planning to offer people that they can't find anywhere else? Is your product or service particularly innovative and inherently new? Or is it something you're just going to slap a new coat of paint on and re-sell to consumers?
Study your industry. Learn what's out there and what others are doing with it. If you're thinking about selling something new, search for existing websites in the same space and see how they fare. Think about why people buy one product over another. Read customer reviews on Amazon or other online retail sites – pay attention not only to what they say, but also the tone of their comments. What do the words you use when describing your product indicate about the quality of the product itself?
For more insight check out 10 Questions You Should Answer Before Building An Internet Business .
AUTHOR: Vito Guccione LAST UPDATED: April 8, 2008
Be sure to check out other great articles in our  10 Questions You Should Ask Before Starting a Business series ! We also have an ever growing list of Free Online Business Courses on this site. To help you get started, we've included a comprehensive list of over 120 courses you can take for free. These are brand new courses that were just added to the site. You can find the complete list here:  Free Online Business Courses . Enjoy your free online business courses!
If you've already completed these courses, move on to Part 2 of this series - 10 Questions You Should Ask Before Establishing A Wholesale Distribution Company .
Need a little help getting started? Check out our  15 Free Resources for Starting an Online Business .
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Vito_Guccione
10 Questions You Should Answer Before Building An Internet Business - Vito Guccione Article Summary This article is part of our 10 Questions You Should Ask Before Starting an Online Business series. Click here for the full article.

Conclusion: If you're just starting out, there's no substitute for having a solid foundation of knowledge. The best way to get that is in the classroom. But how do you choose which courses to take? You need help. Are you interested in building an internet business? This is part of a 10-part series. We cover 10 questions you should ask before starting a business online (but don't forget to check out the full list of 100s of free courses we offer on this site).
10 Questions You Should Ask Before Building An Internet Business
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