A Fruitful Skin Renewal


 A Fruitful Skin Renewal

If you're like me, then your skin is most likely looking a little tired these days. It's possible that the daily stress of life has taken a toll on your face—or perhaps just some poor habits have left it looking dull and dry. Whatever the cause may be, there are ways for you to fix the appearance of your complexion. Here are my top five tips for an effective skin renewal:

1. Oil cleansing 
2. Using sugar scrubs in lieu of chemical exfoliators 
3. Drink lots of water 
4. Apply antioxidant serums 
5. Drink lots of water 
I hope that these tips will help you get started on the path to a more luminous, healthy-looking you.
UPDATE [July 8, 2013]: I've updated the text above to reflect some new information I've learned since I published this post last year (2011). I don't recommend using sugar as an exfoliant as frequently as I did in the past because it can be too harsh for your skin and it doesn't give you much control over how much exfoliation your skin receives. It's best to use sugar only every few weeks or so. Also, I've discovered that sugar is better for dry skin than oily skin.
UPDATE [November 16, 2015]: I still stand by everything I wrote above, but now that I'm a natural skincare and beauty blogger, I've updated this blog post to reflect a few new discoveries. Firstly, while there are some benefits to using sugar as an exfoliant for your face every week or two, it is best to use rice powder (sometimes called 'rice washing powder') instead if you live in a hot country: it has similar effects as sugar on the skin but doesn't melt in the heat. Secondly, I've found that it's possible to exfoliate your skin with raw sugar. I find that it works quite well if you do a light layer, exfoliating only the top skin layers (as opposed to using a scrub which will remove the top layer of skin and cause irritation). You can see my post on how to use raw sugar for face scrubs here: Raw Sugar for Face Scrubs
You may also find it helpful to read Natural Skincare with Raw Sugar if you want to learn more about how raw sugar can be used for other things besides face scrubs. Lastly, you may have noticed that I've added a few new products to my own skincare arsenal since last year. You can find a list of them here: New Skincare Products I'm Loving
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Are you ready to refresh, rejuvenate and revitalise your skin? Then here are some of my favourite skin care products – which I've personally tried – that can help you do just that.
It is possible to feel free again from all the time and money you spend on anti-aging products and more importantly from all the trial and error that goes with them. All it takes is knowing where to look and what to avoid. Are you ready to find out how?
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Disclaimer: This article is intended for information purposes only . If you have any questions please consult your dermatologist or skin care expert . I am not a medical professional. Any advice, information or suggestions contained in this post are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. Please note that I do not accept compensation for mentioning brands.
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You can fight free radicals damage caused by the sun and environmental toxins with these products – can't you just feel how refreshed you feel when you use them?
You've probably noticed that many of your friends and colleagues are using anti-aging moisturisers.

Conclusion: If you can afford it, you can get the same or better results for less by using products designed to fight the signs of aging.
It is possible to feel free again from all the time and money you spend on anti-aging products and more importantly from all the trial and error that goes with them. All it takes is knowing where to look and what to avoid. Are you ready to find out how? Warning: this post contains affiliate links which, at absolutely no cost to you, earn me a small commission. The proceeds will help me run this blog in the long term. For more info see disclaimer at bottom of page.

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