6 Tips on How to Clear up Acne


 6 Tips on How to Clear up Acne

"If I had a nickel for every time my husband said, "why do you have so much makeup?" I would be rich.

Listen, if my sister was a model, my mother would be in Paris. But she isn't so, so she doesn't get away with it, but not me. I have never been concerned with being beautiful. I have been more concerned with being myself. I have been blessed with some bad skin because of this.

That is why being a girl is so challenging. Why do you want to look beautiful for boys? That is what my mother always says to me. I don't know what to say to that, but I shouldn't have to say anything to it. I should be able to look and feel beautiful without having to worry about boys.

My boyfriend Jay guy says I'm beautiful. I mean I'm not beautiful in any way shape or form, but I know that makes me feel good, and I care more about what I feel in my heart, as opposed to my looks. I just want to go out and have fun and not be worried about what my boyfriend's brother says to me. Because this is true, and I don't want to get judged.

I am a Christian, but this story is not about religion, or God, or godly people.

It is about being true to myself and what I want, no matter what those things are. And this is what I want to do. I want be beautiful for myself. And I want to be free. And I could be free, if I would just tell my mom and dad. I know they will be upset, I mean I wasn't even supposed to have gotten married, it isn't in their plans for me to be a housewife. They wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer, one of those cool professions.

I don't want to be a lawyer. I don't want to be a lab technician either. But I can be a vegan. I want to be a vegan in New York. There is a place in Queens that has beautiful craft beers. Food too. I will have my own place, and I can have my husband work from home, and project manage his own work. I could take care of our home, be a vegan, create my own clothing line and go to yoga classes. That is what I want. Inside of me.

And it would be really nice to have a boyfriend who cares about me more than what other people think. I have had to do a lot of convincing of my family. I do not think they are mean in any way shape or form, and I do appreciate them because they want the best for me, but I don't want that for my life. I am tired of doing what everyone thinks is best for me. I do not want that kind of life for me.

I want to make my own choices. I want to be free.

That is why I wrote this.

If I could just tell my parents, they could help me with the legal stuff. And then I would be free.

I could pick my own job. I would be my own boss. I would get to dress however I want. I would be free and beautiful.

So I wrote this.

I want to be a vegan in New York.

I want to be free. And I want to be beautiful. And that is what I want.

That is my story; that is what I want."

The story is now finished. You can find a full review here:


See you next week!

Tom Miller

Editor-in-chief, More than Words



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Categories: review of books, story of the week, Writing Tips, Writing Tips by Post, Writing Tips by Tom Miller

Tags: 6 Tips On How To Clear Up Acne, book, books, fiction, Short Story, short stories, short story of the week, tom miller, writing tips, writing tips by post, writing tips by tom miller, writing, writing reviews, young adult fiction, young adult novels, young adult novellas, young adult story of the week, young adult stories, youth.

Conclusion, Editor-in-chief, Fiction, New York, Tips, Tom Miller, young adults, young adults fiction, young adults story of the week, young adults stories, youth fiction, youth novellas, youth story, youth stories, youth stories of the week, youth story of the week, young aduts story of the week, young adult, young adult fiction, young adult novel, young adult novella, young adult review, young adult review of the week, young adult short stories, young adult story, young adult story of.

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