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How to Overcome Writer's Block

Everyone has experienced writer's block at some point. It's not unusual for a writer to be unable to string words together in the way they want them to come out, and it can cause days, weeks, or even months of lost time in the creative process. But you don't have to suffer from writer's block passively- there are several proactive measures you can take against it.

The first thing you can do is take a few minutes to reread your piece, with the eye of a reader. If you can't see issues in the manner of speech or a whole bunch of glaring mistakes, then it's safe to assume that you probably aren't seeing the problems while reading your own work. It may be that they aren't as glaring when you read from an objective third person point of view, but maybe there are enough mistakes to show up when you read it yourself.

Next, try and look at what other people have done with similar subject matter. See if there is anything that other writers have written about this issue. If so, then it may be that you are writing something that has already been used, or is redundant.

Another thing to try is to take a break from the text you're writing. Sometimes, just putting it down for a while and coming back to it will do a world of good for you. If you are working on something that requires total concentration, like poetry or some other form of complex poetry using stanzas, then maybe you should take a break and come back later. It's also possible that this work needs some time to rest before it can be completed properly.

But it's not only the writing that can cause you to suffer from writer's block. Many people have difficulty expressing their thoughts and ideas in the right way while they're just writing down thoughts and ideas. When I was a writer just starting out, my own friend started suggesting that I "think aloud" while writing. He would sit next to me or just come over to my house in the evenings and we would just do this for an hour or so. It really helped me understand how other people thought about things, and have a better idea of what my problem areas were when I wrote.

Another thing you can do is take more care with choosing your words carefully. Sometimes, you can say something without realizing it and the words that you chose are just totally wrong from how you meant to actually say it. When this happens, you'll know because the audience doesn't react the way they should if what you said makes sense. This can help you learn to think of things before saying them and even as they come out of your mouth. It's hard sometimes because people will either ignore something or they'll be shocked by something that really wasn't supposed to be shocking or offensive or offensive. Writing is something that can be more subjective than it is objective. The words you write have to be carefully chosen, or else it's just going to be an essay that no one particularly wants to read.

Finally, try and avoid using "inspirational" words in your writing. When you say "I've decided" or "You know what I mean" or some other such phrase in the middle of a piece, it can seem like all the work and effort you put into writing something was for nothing. Writing should be very serious business, and people starting out don't want to read posts that are filled with clichés that they've heard a million times before. It's not that there aren't any of these in college, but generally speaking you want to avoid them and show that you have a little bit of life experience to be able to express yourself better than a freshman would.

If you keep these in mind, you should be able to avoid writer's block. You'll start to notice that something isn't working the way it should and fix it before anyone else notices the problems you have with your writing. Feel free to leave comments and give feedback on what I've written here. It will help me a lot when I work on future writing projects for my own blog or even college papers that I'm starting to write now.

Bidder's Bites & Bidding Strategies:

How to Bid, and what to bid, on eBay auctions.

Before you start bidding on eBay, there are a few things you should know. You should be well versed in the items you are bidding on; they should be something that you really want. It will give you more confidence when taking part in big-ticket items. There is also the issue of bidder fatigue - not everyone is able to participate in every auction they come across. This gives others a chance to compete with you. Take this into account and consider your budget before participating in the auction. Remember: "Buyers get what they pay for. You can always negotiate down the price of a badly made item, but you can't get a high-quality product for pennies."

Do your research before you enter into any auction. Look at the seller's past feedback and the number of items he has sold in the past. If he has 100 items for sale and only 3 positive feedback comments, be wary. If he has no feedback or very little feedback on his transactions, chances are that his merchandise is questionable. Look at what else this person has in their store section - if it's something that you want to bid on go back and decide again if you want to participate in the current auction or not.

If you are buying through eBay, you should make the seller your best bid. If a seller has 10 bidders and your current bid is the best, then your bid will show in Green letters. This will let the seller's see that they have a serious bidder on their hands and this will probably make them raise the price to what they want for the item.

Always check feedback before bidding on any types of auctions on eBay. It's always important to check feedback before or after bidding on any types of auctions because this is what makes or breaks an auction.


If you have found the body of the article useful, I hope that it has provided you with some information that will help you in your future experiences. When it comes time to write, don't limit your creativity and ideas to what is "in" demand or what everyone else says is cool or "the in thing". Don't be afraid to go a completely different route if you know what interests YOU. If you do this, you will become one of those writers who stands out from everyone else. I urge each and everyone of you to take this advice and use it responsibly.

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