3 Benefits Of Home Tanning Beds
One of the hottest year-round trends, tanning beds are a terrific way to get an instant bronzed look while you're occupied with other tasks. Depending on your body type, the tanning bed is also excellent in mixing up your skin tone and retaining youthful vibrancy for longer.
But what if you don't have a tanning bed at home? Not to worry! There are plenty of ways to mimic the benefits of a professional-grade tanner right at home. Here's how:
Write an introduction to an informative and factual blog post titled "What Your Bees Say About You". Include the number of your local honey bee haven in the link.
Include a compelling photo of a bee on your blog post.
Write an interesting fact about bees on your blog post. Here are some ideas: Bees have facial recognition skills Bees can instantly recognize each other from up to three miles away, even when there's fog or rain involved. The average worker bee will visit 50,000 flowers before it dies, and its wings will beat 11,400 times in a minute.
Write an intriguing question that readers would like to answer at the end of your blog post.
Post a bee-proof social media status using a clever quote from your blog post. For example, "I want to be like the bees, never stop stinging."
Write an editorial piece about how people could benefit from the benefits of the tanning bed.
Write an article about how you've benefited from tanning beds and what else your body needs to get a beautiful glow. Note: Be sure to include your name, skin tone, and hair color when you write this post so that it can be properly attributed to you.
Expose yourself to a few ads on Facebook, Instagram or Pinterest. Here are some tips for getting the most from your advertisements: Edit the post to include one image or link to your blog post. This will make it easy for people to share the image and link with their friends.
Use a picture without people in it, and include a writing prompt such as "what does this mean?" on the photo. For example, you could use an image of a bus stop sign with the question "Does this mean I should follow my dreams?"
Use a picture of food or different lightings in your environment as they can trigger emotions that would lead readers to click on your ad.
In order to get the most clicks, make your advertisement stand out from other posts. Here are some ideas: Edit the photo or write a clever headline so that it would be interesting to someone.
Edit the image of yourself with a few emojis or funny captions. For example, you could edit a picture of yourself with your hands open while at the salon and include the caption "I'm waiting for my next appointment."
Create an advertisement that shows a problem people are facing and how reading your blog post can help them fix it. For example, you could create an ad that shows a woman wearing an unflattering swimsuit and she's holding her tummy in shame. You could include a caption that reads "If you think you're overweight, you aren't alone. But don't be ashamed about your body because there are many ways to feel beautiful again."
Contact a few bloggers and tell them about your blog post. If they mention it on their blog, there will be more people interested in reading what you've written! Here are some tips: Follow the blogger on social media or send them an email telling them why you're reaching out to them. Here's an example of how this email could look like:
Hey _______, I was recently reading your blog post about how exercising at home can help women tone their body. I noticed how you mentioned how exercising in a home gym can be effective, so I thought about sharing my blog post about the benefits of using a tanning bed at home with your readers. You can click on the link to find out why it's beneficial if you're interested: http://www.adorablestrongfeeling.com/benefits-of-using-a-tanning-bed/ I look forward to hearing from you! Best wishes, __________
Write an interesting essay about what you've learned from your blog post and what else could be learned from it. For example, for the article titled "The Benefits of Tanning Beds", you could write "This is not just a pro tip. I learned that using a tanning bed to get a healthy glow will also boost your metabolism so that you'll eat clean and get more sleep because of it."
Tell your friends about your blog post and how they can benefit from it. Ask them to comment on the post, share it with their social media followers, or email it to their friends. Here are some sample questions you can ask: "Have you ever heard of tanning beds?"
"Have you used a tanning bed before?"
"Are there any other ways that I can get a gorgeous glow from home?"
"What do you think about the benefits of using a tanning bed at home to get more sleep, more energy, and look good."
Contact your local salon and tell them about your blog post. Suggest that they share your article with their clients as they could benefit from the tips in it. Here's how you could approach contacting the salon: "Hi _____, I was recently reading a blog post by _____ and I learned from it. You may be interested because she wrote about using tanning beds to get a healthy glow. You can find the link at: http://www.adorablestrongfeeling.com/benefits-of-using-a-tanning-bed/ I look forward to hearing from you!"
Write a compelling headline for your blog post and include it in your ad or email to your friends. Some sample headlines are: "All You Need is a Tanning Bed to Feel Beautiful Again" "The Benefits of Using a Tanning Bed at Home to Get More Sleep, More Energy, and Look Good"
Get your friends to share your blog post on social media. Share the link on Facebook and Twitter and ask them to tag their friends. For example, you could share this post on Facebook and write: "I just learned that tanning beds can help me sleep better, lose weight, look beautiful and feel more energized. I'm sharing this article with my friends so that they can benefit from it too!"
Create a compelling infographic for your blog post using an image from the article or a picture you took yourself.
As you see, it doesn't take much time to get more traffic to your blog or get more readers for your book. All you have to do is share what you've learned with people who could benefit from it!
If you don't want to do all of these tasks, there are other ways you can promote your blog post. For example, if the article was about tanning beds, you could refer a spa or salon to it. A spa or salon might be interested because it's related to one of their services or products and they could use it in their marketing materials.
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