The Transformation of the Home Based Business Opportunity


 The Transformation of the Home Based Business Opportunity

Times are changing, and so is the home-based business opportunity. The Internet has opened up an entirely new way to work from home that’s trendier than ever, and with the advent of social media it’s never been easier or more important for potential entrepreneurs to get their foot in the door. Read the rest of this entry »
Posted: March 29, 2013
This business idea is so compelling that it makes me wonder why it's not already a household name. What is the name of this life-changing company? I'm partial to Able Business, but there are many other options too. The company I'd like to see incorporated into future generations is one that has developed a product called "Access". This amazing product allows anyone with a smartphone to get directions from local businesses in their area (like Starbucks, McDonalds, etc.) or even via Google Maps. The Access App provides directions for driving or walking and the app even points out nearby parking spots and transit stops. Some days, I wonder why this isn't common place right now. Is it because it's an entirely new concept or is it because most people don't have smartphones? Regardless, I'd love to see the Access app become a household name. Imagine the impact on society! Posted: March 29, 2013
Posted: March 28, 2013
Hi there fellow entrepreneurs! My name is Bill and I would like to introduce you to my company, Village Living Solutions. Our company offers professional cleaning services at affordable prices without the high cost of hiring a professional cleaning service. We offer a variety of different cleaning services such as home cleaning, wardrobe cleaning and steam carpet cleaning. Please feel free to call our offices at (615) 776-7247 for more information about our company. We are located in Nashville, Tennessee, but we serve all 50 states. We always accept cash or credit cards for payment. Thank you for your time and I look forward to working with you soon! Bill
Posted: March 28, 2013
I've been thinking of starting my own business for a while now. I've had a few ideas pop into my head from time to time but I can never seem to make up my mind on what business I want to start or whether it's feasible or not. This is what I have come up with so far. 1.A pet sitting service. Sort of like a dog walking service except for cats and other animals. I would provide pet sitting services to people who are away from home for any number of reasons... vacation, business trips, college students away at school, etc. People can expect top notch care from me as I've been around pets my whole life and love them very much. Cats and dogs that have never met me before seem to sense my compassion for them and warm up to me right away. I would like to start this business since many people travel a lot in our society and they need someone they can trust to care for their pets while they are away. I would also offer pet pickups and drop offs to the vet, groomers, etc. I could also help watch over animals that are boarded at kennels if the owners desire. This would be great for people who have busy schedules that prevent them from being able to take time off from work to take their pets in for routine care or other services. 2.Another business idea I've been mulling over is a dry cleaner service. A friend of mine owns a dry cleaner company already but he doesn't have enough money behind him to expand it much further. I think I could benefit his business immensely by starting a local dry cleaning service that my friends and neighbors can call on if they need their clothes cleaned. I could provide them with the same high quality services as my friend already does but at a much lower price. I would just need to purchase the machines, hire some workers to do the work, pick up some customers and make enough money to cover my investment in the business. It seems like this idea has legs already because there are other dry cleaners in our area that have been around for years... it's time for a new dry cleaner that people can rely on. 3.Another idea I've had is an online babysitting service. I know a lot of people who are parents and it would be nice to have someone babysit their kids when they can't make it home for whatever reason. I'm not sure how exactly this would work.... maybe I could get into a contract with a local daycare and provide babysitting services there for parents who can use them. If that isn't possible, then I could offer my services online to families via webcam so they can see me care for their children while they're at work or doing other things. This might be something that's pretty expensive but I think if it was done right, you could charge $20-$30 an hour which would be more than enough for anyone's budget. I would be able to advertise this business online and reach a nationwide market doing it. These are just a few business ideas that I've had that I would like to try someday. I hope some of you will comment with your own suggestions for prospective businesses.
Posted: March 28, 2013
My name is Kaye and I am excited to announce that my new business, Doggie Style Pet Grooming, is going to open their doors on March 30th! This particular pet salon has been in the works for months now and it's finally opening on the 30th of this month! You can view my website at We are a small salon located in the city of Franklin, TN. I am excited to offer quality grooming services to all our customers! They will be able to find us at 725 W Boyce Ave, Franklin, TN 37064. We hope to see you soon!
Posted: March 28, 2013
I am a mother of two and I've struggled with finding the right balance between work and school. I went back to school last year after 3 years of not having one ounce of education behind me because I could not find the time for it while working full time. I ended up having to quit my job when I got pregnant with my first child and it's hard to find the time to get back into the swing of things. My phone rings off the hook at all hours of the day and night. I would love to be able to work from home because that would give me a lot more time for school and taking care of my children. It seems like there is always something that needs my immediate attention whether it be school, work or home management issues. I'm tired of not being able to focus on what I need to do during the day.

Conclusion My experience has taught me a lot about managing my time and I now have a better understanding of how to stay organized and make things happen. I'm still not where I want to be but the experience I've had will definitely help out in the long run. I know now that it's just going to take some hard work, dedication and a strong commitment to stay on top of my responsibilities no matter what they are.
Posted: March 28, 2013
Hello! Sorry it has taken me so long to make another post, but as you know life has been extremely busy. After some thought...

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